†*Sub-photon accuracy noise reduction of a single shot coherent diffraction pattern with an atomic model trained autoencoder: T. Ishikawa, Y. Takeo, K. Sakurai, K. Yoshinaga, N. Furuya, Y. Inubushi, K. Tono, Y. Joti, M. Yabashi, T. Kimura and K. Yoshimi, Opt. Express 32, 18301 (2024).
Ultracompact mirror device for forming 20-nm achromatic soft-X-ray focus toward multimodal and multicolor nanoanalyses: T. Shimamura, Y. Takeo, F. Moriya, T. Kimura, M. Shimura, Y. Senba, H. Kishimoto, H. Ohashi, K. Shimba, Y. Jimbo and H. Mimura, Nat Commun 15, 665 (2024).
†*ウォルターミラーを利用した軟X線タイコグラフィ装置の開発: 木村 隆志, 竹尾 陽子, 櫻井 快, 古谷 登, 江川 悟, 山口 豪太, 松澤 雄介, 久米 健大, 三村 秀和, 志村 まり, 大橋 治彦, 松田 巌, 原田 慈久, 放射光 36, 10 (2023).
Development of soft X-ray ptychography and fluorescence microscopy system using total-reflection wolter mirror and application to measurement of drug-treated mammalian cells: Y. Takeo, K. Sakurai, N. Furuya, K. Yoshinaga, T. Shimamura, S. Egawa, H. Kiuchi, H. Mimura, H. Ohashi, Y. Harada, M. Shimura and T. Kimura, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 267, 147380 (2023).
Fabrication of ultrashort sub-meter-radius x-ray mirrors using dynamic stencil deposition with figure correction: T. Shimamura, Y. Takeo, T. Kimura, F. Perrin, A. Vivo, Y. Senba, H. Kishimoto, H. Ohashi and H. Mimura, Review of Scientific Instruments 94, 043102 (2023).