Home >  研究会等 > Soft- and hard- matter applications of neutron backscattering spectroscopy at ANSTO, Australia – an overview

Soft- and hard- matter applications of neutron backscattering spectroscopy at ANSTO, Australia – an overview

日程 : 2019年10月10日(木) 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm 場所 : 物性研究所本館6階 第2セミナー室 (A612) 講師 : Dr. Nicolas De Souza 所属 : Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering, ANSTO, Australia 世話人 : 山室修 (63494)
e-mail: yamamuro@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp

The Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering operates a suite of 15 neutron instruments distributed across the thermal- and cold-sources of the OPAL reactor, ANSTO. Two of the cold instruments are optimized for quasielastic neutron scattering measurements.
This presentation will highlight the scientific capabilities of the EMU neutron backscattering spectrometer enabling access to microscopic, molecular dynamics up to about 5 ns time scale. Investigations of diffusive processes in organic materials are the primary strength area for such spectrometers. Thus examples from biophysics and polymer science will be presented. In particular, results from a recent hemoglobin dynamics study will be outlined. There is also growing interest in understanding transport-related diffusion in inorganic materials related to energy applications. In this area we will highlight our ongoing effort towards elucidating sodium diffusion in specific solid-state ionic conductors.

Nicolas De Souza氏はオーストラリアの中性子散乱実験施設(ACNS, ANSTO)のEMU(オーストラリアのみに生息するダチョウに似た大型の鳥)と呼ばれる超高分解能非弾性散乱装置の責任者です。講演では、この装置の概要と共に、生体関連物質や固体イオン伝導体などへの適用例をお話し頂きます。専門外の皆様にも興味をもって頂けるお話しをお願いしておりますので、どうか奮ってご参加下さい。

(公開日: 2019年09月20日)