Home >  研究会等 > シリーズセミナー 極限コヒーレント光科学 31回目:Probing new features of spin dynamics in RMnO3 and Li2RuO3

シリーズセミナー 極限コヒーレント光科学 31回目:Probing new features of spin dynamics in RMnO3 and Li2RuO3

日程 : 2015年6月10日(水) 10:30 〜 場所 : 物性研究所本館6階 第5セミナー室 (A615) 世話人 : 辛 埴 (63380)
e-mail: shin@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp

When the physical dimension is reduced, fluctuation gets generally enhanced and a phase transition of a system under question is strongly suppressed, if not entirely wiped out. Such fluctuations dominated phases generally offer a rich playground of new physics. Although there have been extensive studies of such low-dimensional magnetic systems, any new studies when carried in full details are bound to unearth novel phenomena.
In this talk, I am going to take two examples with two-dimensional magnetic lattice and illustrate how inelastic neutron scattering gives the rare glimpse of new spin dynamics. The first example is multiferroic hexagonal RMnO3, which exhibits two-dimensional triangular magnetism. Furthermore, as it belongs to the interesting class of materials, called multiferroic, it also provides an interesting platform to investigate low dimensional magnetism with a supposedly strong coupling to the ferroelectric order parameter and lattice. The second example is Li2RuO3 with a honeycomb lattice. As Ru of Li2RuO3 has 4+ valence with intermediate spin-orbit coupling strength, it offers a test ground for exploring spin-orbit physics with the honeycomb lattice. By using the high-resolution neutron scattering technique, we have been investigating the spin dynamics of these two interesting materials. The main findings are magnon-magnon and magnon-phonon interactions for RMnO3 [1, 2] and unusual doping-induced low energy spin dynamics of Li2RuO3[3].

[1] Seongsu Lee, et al., Nature 451, 805 (2008).
[2] Joosung Oh, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 257202 (2013).
[3] Junghwan Park, et al., to be published

(公開日: 2015年05月22日)