Home >  研究会等 > Altermagnetism from electronic correlations

Altermagnetism from electronic correlations

日程 : 2024年12月5日(木) 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm 場所 : オンライン(事前に下記リンクよりご登録ください) 講師 : Sonia Haddad 氏 所属 : Faculte des Sciences de Tunis, Universite Tunis El Manar 世話人 : 加藤 岳生 (63255)講演言語 : 英語

Altermagnetism has recently been proposed as a third class of magnetic materials.
Altermagnetic materials are characterized by a vanishing net magnetic moment and a spin polarized electronic band structure.
Their symmetry in principle allows for the existence of an anomalous Hall effect. Altermagnetic materials are characterized by a vanishing net magnetic moment and a spin polarized electronic band structure.

In this talk, we introduce a model with altermagnetism in which the emergence of an anomalous Hall effect is driven by interactions.
This model is grounded in a modified Kane-Mele framework with antiferromagnetic spin-spin correlations.
Quantum Monte Carlo simulations show that the system undergoes a finite temperature phase transition governed by a primary antiferromagnetic order parameter accompanied by a secondary one of Haldane type. The emergence of both orders turns the metallic state of the system, away from half-filling, to an altermagnet with a finite anomalous Hall conductivity [1]. A mean field ansatz corroborates these results, which pave the way into the study of correlation induced altermagnets with finite Berry curvature.

[1] Sato et al., Phys Rev. Lett. 133, 086503 (2024)


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本セミナーはISSP Women’s week 2024の関連として開催されます。
(公開日: 2024年10月18日)