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令和5年度後期 客員所員講演会

日程 : 2023年12月14日(木) 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 場所 : 物性研究所6階大講義室(A632) ・ Hybrid開催 世話人 : 川島 直輝・中島多朗
e-mail: danwakai@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp
講演言語 : 英語

11:00-11:10 所長挨拶 (廣井善二 : 物性研究所長)

11:10-12:00 Oliver Portugall 
(Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, Toulouse, CNRS (France))
 ”Experimental techniques for Megagauss fields: status and perspectives”

Magnetic fields are an important tool for investigating the charge and spin states of matter. Increasing the field strength can either just amplify a given phenomenon, or give rise to the complete transformation of a system’s electronic and magnetic structure. Perhaps the most prominent example for such a threshold effect are high-Tc superconductors where applying the strongest available fields is mandatory to suppress superconductivity and investigate the underlying normal state.
The generation of high magnetic fields in a finite volume is fundamentally limited by the necessity to contain the respective magnetic energy. Above 100 T this can only be done dynamically, i.e. for a very short time that depends on the confining magnet’s inertia. Megagauss fields are therefore intrinsically limited to microsecond durations. In recent years, this limitation has lost much of its dread due to advances in radio-frequency and high-speed, high-resolution digitization techniques. However, performing Megagauss experiments still remains challenging due to thermal and mechanical side-effects caused by the magnet’s ultimate explosion, and the inevitable use of pulsed power techniques that expose sensitive measurement equipment to transient electromagnetic disturbances.
In this talk I will present the scientific objectives and current status of projects aiming at the implementation of THz-spectroscopy and RF-electric transport measurements in Toulouse, as well as ongoing developments to improve the general experimental conditions in Megagauss fields. In this connection I will also comment on the collaborative effort involving the Megagauss groups in Kashiwa and Toulouse, as well the European Magnetic Field Laboratory.


(公開日: 2023年11月28日)