The unusually resilient unconventional superconductor Sr2RuO4
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Despite extensive research, Sr2RuO4 has remained an enigmatic unconventional superconductor for nearly three decades. Initially categorized as a prime example of a chiral spin-triplet superconductor, doubts regarding this classification only emerged four years ago when evidence for spin-singlet pairing appeared. This unexpected shift has introduced a significant conundrum as the newly proposed spin-singlet nature presents considerable new obstacles in establishing a pairing symmetry that aligns with the wealth of existing experimental data.
This colloquium aims to provide an overview of the current challenges in harmonizing theoretical perspectives with present state of experimental reality.
Sigrist 教授は異⽅的超伝導体をはじめとする強相関電⼦系に関する研究で世界的に著名な理論家です.特に,前野グループが発⾒したSr2RuO4の超伝導について,T. M. Rice教授と共にカイラルp 波状態を提唱し,関連する多くの研究に⼤きな影響を与えました.Sr2RuO4に関する研究は最近の実験結果によって新しい局⾯を迎えています.