Emergence of a Fermi-surface in the current-driven Hidden state of 1T-TaS2
e-mail: kondo1215@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp講演言語 : 英語
We investigate the nature of the metallic metastable state in 1T-TaS2. Using micro-ARPES, we measure the spatially-dependent modifications of the electronic structure of the sample following a short current pulse. We observe that, in some regions of the sample, a Fermi surface emerges, while other regions remain gapped. A detailed study of the band structure in these different regions suggests that the metallic parts are in a state similar to the nearly commensurate charge density wave (NC-CDW) state, where the gaps are suppressed and a band crosses the Fermi level. Furthermore, we find that the metallic and insulating regions of the sample exhibit different dispersions normal to the planes. This observation is consistent with a scenario in which the current pulse breaks the star-of-David dimers present in the commensurate charge density wave (C-CDW) state.