Home >  研究会等 > Imaginary-time evolution algorithm on quantum computers and its perspective on quantum chemical calculations

Imaginary-time evolution algorithm on quantum computers and its perspective on quantum chemical calculations

日程 : 2022年7月25日(月) 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm 場所 : On ZOOM (事前に下記リンクよりご登録ください) 講師 : 松下  雄一郎 氏 所属 : 東京工業大学 物質・情報卓越教育院 世話人 : 尾崎 泰助 (ex. 63285)

Currently, quantum chemical calculations using quantum computers are attracting a great deal of attention. We have been developing algorithms for quantum chemical calculations using quantum computers. In particular, we have recently focused on the imaginary-time evolution method. Note that algorithms using quantum computers must be expressed in terms of unitary operations and observations for each qubit. Therefore, it was a nontrivial problem how to perform the imaginary-time evolution operator, which is a non-unitary operation, on a quantum computer. We have developed a method to implement the imaginary-time evolution algorithm in a form using auxiliary bits and proposed a method of first-quantized eigensolver for quantum chemistry for ground states based on the imaginary-time evolution method [1]. Furthermore, we have been working on developing algorithms to reduce errors when performing calculations on quantum computers [2]. In this presentation, we will discuss the fundamentals of quantum computers, the implementation of the imaginary-time evolution algorithm, the computational cost of implementing the imaginary-time evolution algorithm for materials calculations, and the error mitigation algorithms we have been developing.

[1] T. Kosugi, Y. Nishiya, and Y. Matsushita, arXiv: 2111.12471 (2021). To be published in Physical Review Research.
[2] Y. Hama and H. Nishi, arXiv: 2205.13907 (2022).


(公開日: 2022年07月15日)