Research Highlights and Joint Research Highlights in Activity Report
Research Highlights and Joint Research Highlights in Activity Report 2018
* : Joint Researches are marked with an asterisk.
- 2020.09.28 Dynamic Interface Formation in Magnetic Thin Film Heterostructures
- 2020.09.21 Spin Thermal Hall Conductivity in a Kagomé Antiferromagnet
- 2020.09.14 Oxygen-Functionalization of Graphene Enhances CO2 Adsorption under Near-Ambient Conditions
- 2020.09.07 Electric Dipole Spin Resonance in the Interacting Quantum Spin Dimer System KCuCl3
- 2020.08.31 Interfacial Hydrogen Bonding in Proton-Electron Concerted 2D Organic Bilayer on Au Substrate Probed by Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy
- 2020.08.24 Polarization Resolved High Harmonic Generation in Semiconducting Gallium Selenide
- 2020.08.17 Indoor World Record of 1200 T Achieved by the Newly Installed Electromagnetic Flux Compression Megagauss Generator
- 2020.08.03 Evolution of Magnetic Double Helix and Quantum Criticality Near a Dome of Superconductivity in CrAs
- 2020.07.27 Large Anomalous Hall Effect in Thin Films of a Weyl Magnet Mn3Sn
- 2020.07.20 Biophysical Study on the Function and Molecular Mechanism of Rhodopsins
- 2020.07.13 Magneto-Thermodynamic Properties in Submicron Wires of Pd-doped FeRh
- 2020.07.06 Quantum Size Effects Associated with Ultra-Thinning of Layered Semimetals
- 2020.06.29 Unconventional Field-Induced Spin Gap in an S = 1/2 Chiral Staggered Chain
- 2020.06.22 Magnetoelectric Behavior from Square Cupola Magnetic Units in High Magnetic Field
- 2020.06.15 Advanced First-Principles Simulation of Electrochemical Interfaces
- 2020.06.08 Interfacial Carrier Dynamics of Graphene on SiC, Traced by the Full-Range Time-Resolved Core-Level Photoemission Spectroscopy at SPring-8 BL07LSU
- 2020.06.01 Magnetic State Selected by Magnetic Dipole Interaction in Kagome Antiferromagnet NaBa2Mn3F11
- 2020.05.25 From Gapless Kitaev Spin Liquid to Classical String Gas through Tensor Networks
- 2020.05.18 Large Spin Hall Effect in Amorphous Mn-Sn Alloy Thin Film
- 2020.05.11 CO2 Activation and Reaction on Zn-Deposited Cu Surfaces Studied by Ambient-Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- 2020.04.27 Realization of a Current-Controlled Superconducting Device
- 2020.04.20 Construction of Three-Dimensional Anionic Molecular Frameworks Based on Hydrogen-Bonded Metal Dithiolene Complexes and the Crystal Solvent Effect
- 2020.04.13 Photo-Induced Semimetallic States Realized in Electron–Hole Coupled Insulators
- 2020.04.06 Magnetic-Field-Induced Kondo Metal State in the Kondo Insulator YbB12
- 2020.03.30 Heavy-Fermion State in Valence-Fluctuating Antiferromagnetic Compound EuPt2Si2 under High Magnetic Field and High Pressure
- 2020.03.23 Coexisting Two Types of Spin Splitting Originating from Different Orbital Symmetries
- 2020.03.16 Semi-Metallicity of Free-Standing Hydrogenated Monolayer Boron from MgB2
- 2020.03.09 Magnetic States of Coupled Spin Tubes with Frustrated Geometry in CsCrF4
- 2020.03.02 Lithium-Ion Conductivity in Single Crystals of Li10GeP2S12
- 2020.02.24 Strong Electronic Correlations in a Luttinger Semimetal Pr2Ir2O7
- 2020.02.17 Strain Relaxation at Doped Epitaxial Interfaces
- 2020.02.10 Heat Transport via a Two-State System
- 2020.02.03 Horizontal Lines of Nodes in the Superconducting Gap of Sr2RuO4: Evidence against the Anticipated Chiral p-wave Scenario