Home >  Research > Division of Condensed Matter Theory > Kawabata Group

Kawabata Group

Associate Professor KAWABATA, Kohei

Research Subjects

  • Condensed matter theory
  • Nonequilibrium phases of matter
  • Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics
  • Non-Hermitian physics

Recent years have seen remarkable progress in the physics of open quantum systems. In view of the recent rapid development of quantum information science and technology, it seems urgent to develop a general theory of open quantum systems. In our group, we are broadly interested in theoretical condensed matter physics, with a particular focus on nonequilibrium physics, to establish new foundations and principles in contemporary physics. Our recent research highlights topological phases of open quantum systems, as well as dissipative quantum chaos and lack thereof. On the basis of fundamental concepts such as symmetry and topology, we aim to uncover new physics intrinsic to far from equilibrium.

Symmetry of open quantum systems: Classification of dissipative quantum chaos. Periodic tables of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Lindbladians. [PRX Quantum 4, 030328 (2023)]
Hermitian bulk – non-Hermitian boundary correspondence. The interplay of Hermitian topology and dissipation leads to new types of higher-order non-Hermitian topological phenomena. [PRX Quantum 4, 030315 (2023)]

Publications and Research Highlights