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Faculty / Research jobs

Faculty and Researchers

Division Position Details Deadline
(For reference) The Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP)                 ※This recruitment has already been ended.※ Project Researcher Detail March
29, 2024
Neutron Science Laboratory Professor position (Leader of NSL) Detail July
31, 2024
Division of Condensed Matter Theory (Kawabata Group) Research Associate Detail July
31, 2024
The Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP) Visiting Professor Detail July
31, 2024
Any of the ISSP divisions Project Researcher (Fixed-term Project Staff) Detail September
27, 2024
Materials Design and Characterization Laboratory (MDCL) (Kitagawa Group) Research Associate Detail September
30, 2024
Laser and Synchrotron Research Center (LASOR) (Kobayashi Group) Research Associate Detail September
30, 2024

Technical and Administrative Staff

Currently, there are no open positions.


ISSP General Affairs Office
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