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Misawa Group

Project Associate Professor MISAWA, Takahiro        

Research Subjects

  • Development of numerical methods for quantum many-body systems
  • Quantum transport phenomena in topological materials
  • Quantum spin liquid・High-Tc superconductivity
  • Data-driven research for strongly correlated electron systems

In strongly correlated electron systems in solids, which are typical examples of quantum many-body systems, many exotic quantum phases, such as high-temperature superconductivity and quantum spin liquids, emerge. It is a grand challenge of condensed matter physics to elucidate a deep understanding of the physics behind these exotic phenomena and to predict new phenomena and functions based on the understanding. In our laboratory, we tackle this challenging issue by combining state-of-the-art theoretical methods with large-scale numerical calculations using powerful supercomputers. In particular, we have developed an ab initio method for treating strongly correlated electron systems, which combines ab initio calculations with highly-accurate methods for solving quantum lattice models. By using this method, we have studied exotic quantum phases such as high-temperature superconductivity, quantum spin liquids and correlated topological phases. Recent examples of our work include the data analysis of ab initio effective Hamiltonians for iron-based superconductors and the study of quantum spin liquids in molecular solids. In addition, we are now conducting data-driven research using the ab initio method for strongly correlated electron systems.

Results of the ab initio effective model analysis of β'-X[Pd(dmit)2]2 (X represents a cation). From the ab initio calculations, we obtain the energy difference between the antiferromagnetic (AF) and quantum spin liquid (QSL) phases, Δe=EQSL-EAF (shown at wall surface). We find that the theoretical results well reproduce the experimental phase diagram (shown at bottom surface) including the quantum spin liquid phase at X=EtMe3Sb.
Experimental Tc (Tcexp.) vs. predicted Tc (Tcpredict) obtained from the regression model, which is constructed from the microscopic parameters of ab initio Hamiltonians for iron-based superconductors. We can see the regression model reproduce the experimental results well.

Publications and Research Highlights