Home >  Research > Laser and Synchrotron Research Center > Kobayashi Group

Kobayashi Group

Professor KOBAYASHI, Yohei

Research Subjects

  • Development and precise control of ultrashort pulse laser systems
  • Fundamental understanding on laser processing
  • Precision spectroscopy of molecules for medical applications
  • Cyber-Physical System

We are developing advanced laser technologies and their applications. Both ultimate technologies of ultrashort pulse generations and ultra narrow-band laser generations were mixed, the optical frequency comb then was born. It opened up a new research area such as carrier-envelope-phase dependent phenomena, attosecond physics, and precision spectroscopy by using a femtosecond light source. It also realized the high-repetition and high-intensity physics. It could create wide field of applications in the physics, metrology, medical science, and astronomy. We are developing an Yb-fiber laser-base optical frequency comb, XUV frequency comb, and high-power fiber chirped pulse amplifier system for these applications. The high-repetition-rate laser system will be applied for a calibration of a spectrograph in an observatory or an arbitrary waveform generation in an optical field, or a breath diagnosis. In addition, we are studying the fundamental processes of laser processing and bridging the gap between them and industrial applications. We would like to know “How is a material cut?”

Optical frequency comb based ultra-high precision spectroscopy. The combination of ultra-high repetition-rate laser and ultra-high resolution spectrograph makes it possible to resolve each comb tooth to detect the meta-stable He atom.
Measurement of laser processing dynamics with sub-picosecond time resolution.

Publications and Research Highlights