International Cooperation
International Center for Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
The Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP) is a cutting edge research institute in undertaking physics and chemistry research on a wide of areas and our international level facilities include the MegaGauss Science Laboratory. We organize workshops regularly and invite international researchers (Visiting Professors) for short, medium, and long-term stays. We also build graduate students' capacity by broadening their international horizons(International Research Opportunities for ISSP Students).
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International co-authored papers in 2023
More than about 40% of the total number of papers published by ISSP, are international co-authored papers with approximately 30 countries and regions.

China:56 | USA:42 | Germany:33 | France:20 | UK:17 |
South Korea:11 | India:10 | Switzerland:9 | Taiwan:9 | Spain:7 |
Sweden:7 | Poland:6 | Canada:5 | Netherlands:5 |
Japan-U.S. Cooperative Research Program
The governments of Japan and the U.S. concluded umbrella agreements on science and technology cooperation in 1980. Under this framework, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) concluded agreements with ISSP and Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI, currently JAEA) and have been undertaking collaborative research on neutron scattering using spectrometers installed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) since 1983.
International Cooperation and Exchange Agreement
Agreements and memorandums of understanding (MoU) for collaborative research activities and exchanges are concluded with various research institutes and universities worldwide. As a center of international collaboration, strengthening collaboration through agreements and personnel exchanges with top research institutes and groups in the world's physical sciences is a priority. We also aim to establish a leading international research community network.
Institute for Quantum Matter, Johns Hopkins University (U.S.)
MoU in 2018
Promote exchange of researchers, by sending ISSP faculty members to JHU, accepting JHU professors to ISSP, and co-organizing a symposium.Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (Germany)
Agreement in 2000
Co-organized workshops at Max Planck Institute (July 2018, March 2016, and March 2015)Center for Correlated Electron Systems (CCES), Institute for Basic Science (South Korea)
Agreement and MoU in 2018
Academic exchange of ISSP faculties to IBS on a long term basis and collaborative research on development and operation of laser-based advanced photoemission spectroscopy systems.Collaboration on High Magnetic Field Science in Asia
Cooperation and building relationship for magnet development and collaborative research.- Agencies:
- College of Science and College of Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan), Agreement in 2015
- College of Natural Science, Dankook University (South Korea), Agreement in 2015
- Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center (China), Agreement in 2017