I. Matsuda Group

- Affiliation
Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Laser and Synchrotron Research Center
(concurrent with Functional Materials Group) - Courses
- Phys., Sci.Chem., Sci.

Research Subjects
- Operando X-ray experiments to study molecule and carrier dynamics at surfaces
- Study of non-linear X-ray spectroscopy by X-ray free electron laser
- Design and synthesis of novel functional materials of the monatomic layer
- Technical developments of X-ray spectroscopy experiments using AI robots
We have developed measurement techniques for absorption spectroscopy, photoelectron spectroscopy, and nonlinear spectroscopy using vacuum ultraviolet rays to soft X-rays, generated from high-brilliant synchrotron radiation and X-ray lasers. We have focused on operando experiments to make in situ observations of a material during its functioning. The dynamics of electrons and molecules are traced in real time at different timescales that are limited by characters of each light source. By sequentially connecting the temporal information, we unveil a whole picture of the functionality. Our instrumental developments are based on pioneering new measurement principles and, recently, they are combined with the AI robot technology. Our material targets are mainly monatomic layers with the exotic Dirac electrons and surface/interface systems of strongly correlated materials. Based on the fundamental theories and informatics, we design and synthesize novel materials while feeding back information using our precise measurement data. We aim to implement our functional materials in society.