Y. Matsuda Group

- Affiliation
- International MegaGauss Science Laboratory
- Course
- Adv. Mat., Frontier Sci.

Research Subjects
- The magnetic field-induced insulator-metal transition of strongly correlated materials
- Quest for the magnetic field-induced phase transition in the ferroelectric material
- Excitons in van der Waals solids at an ultrahigh magnetic field
- Quest for the magnetic field effect on photochemical reaction
We are searching for non-perturbative magnetic field effects, such as large changes not only in the electronic state but also in the crystal structure, using ultra-high magnetic fields. However, in solids, the energy scale can be effectively enhanced due to the competing nature of the various interactions. For example, an insulator such as VO2 has an energy gap on the order of 1 eV, but it undergoes a phase transition from insulator to metal at magnetic fields of 200~300 T. On the other hand, the key to understanding this phase transition is the picture of the destabilization of the V-V molecular orbitals formed in the dimer of V atoms by a magnetic field. The phenomenon of the breakdown of molecules in solids in a magnetic field is expected to be similar in mechanism to the breakdown of molecules such as H2 that occurs in the huge magnetic field of the universe (about 105 T). In addition, we are searching for novel phenomena caused by non-perturbative magnetic field effects in a variety of other objects in ultra-high magnetic fields.