Miytasa Group

Associate Professor MIYATA, Atsuhiko
- Affiliation
- International MegaGauss Science Laboratory
- Course
- Adv. Mat., Frontier Sci.

Research Subjects
- Magneto-optics and THz experiments under ultrahigh magnetic fields
- High-field study on quantum magnets
- Magnet technology
We have been working on magnet technology and new measurement techniques for pulsed magnetic fields and also studying ultrahigh-magnetic-field science. Currently, we are developing THz spectroscopy techniques using quantum cascade lasers and magneto-optical spectroscopy for atomic-layer materials. We apply these techniques to van der Waals magnetic semiconductors exhibiting exotic excitons and topological Kondo insulators and excitonic insulators to understand their unconventional band structures. We are also working on megagauss science using destructive pulsed magnets.