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Quantum Materials Group

Condensed matter physics has progressed, relying on discoveries of new materials, new phenomena, and new concepts. A good example can be found in the history of research on strongly correlated electron systems, one of the major traditional strengths of ISSP. On the other hand, breakthroughs have often been made at an intersection of various research fields. Aiming at another leap forward, the Quantum Materials Group has been created to promote interdisciplinary studies based on the collaboration between the experimental and theoretical groups beyond the conventional research disciplines. The quantum materials group currently consists of two core groups and twelve joint groups. All the groups vigorously conduct collaborative research to discover novel quantum phases and functional materials in correlated electron/spin systems. The activities include new material synthesis in bulk and thin-film forms and their characterization through state-of-the-art measurement systems. Device fabrication is also carried out for spintronics applications. These experiments are conducted through lively discussion and tight collaboration with theory groups, which search for new topological phases by using an advanced theoretical approach and numerical methods.

Member(*Leader) Research Subjects
MIWA, Shinji
Associate Professor
Group's HP
  1. Chiral molecular spintronics
  2. Quantum material spintronics
  3. Operando spectroscopy using pulse laser and synchrotron radiation
  4. Brain-inspired computing using spintronics
Project Professor
Group's HP
  1. Room-temperature topological transport in magnetic materials
  2. Strange metal behavior and unconventional superconductivity in strongly correlated materials
  3. Manipulation of topological states for spintronics and energy harvesting applications
Group's HP
  1. Anomaly in quantum field theory and classification of quantum phases
  2. Unified theory of nonlinear electrical conduction
  3. Electronic states and transport phenomena on networks
  4. Design and study of exotic spin liquids
Members holding a concurrent position
Associate Professor
Group's HP
Main; Division of Nanoscale Science
HIROI, Zenji
Group's HP
Main; Materials Design and Characterization Laboratory
IDEUE, Toshiya
Associate Professor
Group's HP
Main; Division of Condensed Matter Science
Associate Professor
Group's HP
Main; Division of Condensed Matter Theory
KONDO, Takeshi
Associate Professor
Group's HP
Main; Laser and Synchrotron Research Center
Associate Professor
Group's HP
Main; Laser and Synchrotron Research Center
OKAMOTO, Yoshihiko
Group's HP
Main; Materials Design and Characterization Laboratory
Associate Professor
Group's HP
Main; Laser and Synchrotron Research Center
OTANI, Yoshichika
Group's HP
Main; Division of Nanoscale Science
Associate Professor
Group's HP
Main; Division of Condensed Matter Science
Associate Professor
Group's HP
Main; Division of Condensed Matter Science