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About Joint Research

joint use 2020
"Researcher" is a name for those who uses the Joint Research program at ISSP and it shows the number of users for our facilities and equipments. Since 2021, the number of adopted unique users changed to the actual number of occepted researchers.

ISSP is a joint research institute for researchers of universities and public research institutions nationwide. We provide our own equipments and large facilities and approximately 1,000 research subjects are accepted annually. The use of laboratory equipments and facilities is free of charge and travel expense is supported, as well as the accommodation facility (Kashiwa Guest House) on campus is available.

In principle, subjects and outcomes obtained from the Joint Research activities are all open to public.

ISSP Regular Workshop and ISSP Workshop are held as discussion and presentation fora in understanding each research subjects, expecting further and future collaboration among researchers.

The ISSP Joint Research program is operated by two committees consisting of ISSP faculties and board members outside the laboratory.

Advisory Committee for Joint Usage

Researcher Category Subjects Researchers
General Researcher General 145 370 
Materials Synthesis and Caractarization 108  243 
Neutron Science Laboratory 154 286
Supercomputer 349 1,042
High Magnetic Field (ISSP and Osaka Univ.) 98 191
Part-time Researcher Part-time Researcher(Including Syhnchrotron Radiation and Neutron Science Laboratory) 89 114
External Researcher External Researche(Long / Short -term) 7 / 2 7 / 2
Total 950 2,255
Number of topics accepted and its breakdown in FY2023
Required qualification

①Faculty members, doctoral students, researchers and any equivalent persons belonging to universities or national public research institutes within Japan.
②Students in the master's course should apply with a supervisor. Undergraduate students are able to apply together with a supervisor only after they are admitted to enroll in the master's course.
If you are affiliated with institutions overseas, you are able to apply only for use the Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory but it is not possible to apply for other equipments and facilities, in principle.

Safety Training

You have to read through the “Safety Manual booklet (Kashiwa Campus, the University of Tokyo) ” before doing your experiments.

How to apply

Please apply through "Regular application" twice a year in the first and the second semester. "Urgent application" is available if there is a specific reason. Deadline is the first day of every month and the start date is the first date of the following month.
Service Flow Joint Research Application (Japanese page)


Use of laboratory equipment, facilities, supplies for experiment and cryogen is free of charge.

Please contact and discuss with a person in charge prior to submitting application materials.