Home >  Research > Laser and Synchrotron Research Center > Matsunaga Group

Matsunaga Group

Associate Professor MATSUNAGA, Ryusuke
Research Associate MUROTANI, Yuta
Project Research Associate YUMOTO, Go

Research Subjects

  • Development of ultrafast pulsed laser technique in terahertz-mid infrared range
  • Ultrafast dynamics of many-body systems driven by light field
  • Nonlinear responses and nonequilibrium phenomena in topological semimetals
  • High-speed terahertz spintronics

We use coherent light sources based on ultrafast pulsed laser technology to generate terahertz wave, mid- and near-infrared, and visible light to study the dynamics of light-induced nonequilibrium processes in a variety of materials. Particularly terahertz spectroscopy can reveal low-energy electromagnetic responses of materials on the range of millielectronvolts, which include crucial details for the dynamical motions of electron, phonon, or spin degrees of freedom in condensed matter physics. A novel route for optical control of materials by strong resonant or off-resonant excitation by light field has also been made possible by recently discovered powerful terahertz pulse production technology. We explore superconductivity or antiferromagnetism, gigantic nonlinearity of topological semimetals, and high-speed spin transport phenomena, in addition to the development of phase-stable terahertz generating and detection techniques and novel nonlinear spectroscopy schemes.

Regenerative-amplified femtosecond pulse laser system for intense terahertz wave generation and phase-locked mid-infrared light generation
Transmission, reflection, and polarization rotation spectroscopy system for terahertz electromagnetic response and Hall conductivity measurements

Publications and Research Highlights