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ISSP Regular Workshop, ISSP Workshop


ISSP Workshop is convened for researchers nationwide to intensively discuss specific topics in condensed matter physics. This workshop runs for one to three day long and travel expenses for the approved workshops will be covered upon decisions made by the Advisory Committee for Joint Usage.

ISSP Regular Workshop

Applications are accepted twice a year: from April to early June and October to early December. Then the applications will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee for Joint Usage. In order to apply, one or more faculty members from ISSP should be listed in the proposal although the workshop representative (organizer) could be appointed either from ISSP or outside organizations. It is also required to submit reports after completing the workshop. The report will be appeared in the ISSP Bulletin.

ISSP Reguler Workshop List

ISSP Workshop

ISSP workshop provides more flexibility compared with ISSP Regular Workshop and discusses on hot issues in a timely manner. The workshop representative is limited to the faculty member belonging to ISSP. The ISSP Workshop proposal is reviewed and approved via emails at the monthly Advisory Committee for Joint Usage.

If a workshop proposal representative (or an organizer) is to be a visiting professor or a visiting foreign professor, the host faculty shall also be involved in managing a workshop.

ISSP Workshop List