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Functional Materials Group

The Functional Materials Group (FMG) is a trans-divisional and interdisciplinary research group aimed at unraveling the underlying principles and unknown functionalities of diverse non-equilibrium many-body phenomena. These phenomena manifest in biological processes, chemical reactions, driven quantum materials, and nanodevices. The group conducts comprehensive research to contribute to the understanding and practical application of these phenomena. In recent years, there have been significant advancements in experimental techniques such as optogenetics, intracellular measurements, time-resolved measurements of non-equilibrium excited states, and spectroscopic measurements at the nanoscale. At the same time, there have been notable developments in computational and data science, as well as in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Several ISSP researchers join FMG as core members, while other members participate as concurrent members. Moreover, as a joint-use/research center, FMG actively invites external researchers to collaborate on new subjects, serving as an open platform for such collaborations.

Member(*Leader) Research Subjects
AKIYAMA, Hidefumi
Group's HP
  1. Gain-switched short-pulse semiconductor lasers and ultrafast non-equilibrium non-linear optical physics
  2. Development and applications of semiconductor-laser devices, modules, and systems
  3. High-efficiency energy conversion and detailed-balance-limit physics in advanced space solar cells
  4. Luminescence measurement standards, firefly bioluminescence, rhodopsin Raman spectroscopy
Group's HP
  1. Fluorescence observation of axonal transport in iPS cell derived neuron
  2. Force measurement of motor protein kinesin by using a nano-sized spring
  3. Extreme value analysis applied to axonal transport by motor proteins
  4. Theoretical modeling of synapse formation related to axonal transport
INOUE, Keiichi
Associate Professor
Group's HP
  1. Functional and spectroscopic studies on the mechanism of molecular function of photoreceptive membrane proteins, rhodopsins
  2. Application of advanced spectroscopy for biomolecular study
  3. Exploration of novel photoreceptive proteins using genome big data
  4. Identification of functional determinant factors of biomolecules and the development of novel functional molecules using machine learning methods and experimental automation
OKA, Takashi
Group's HP
  1. Floquet engineering of quantum materials
  2. Nonequilibrium states in quantum many-body systems
  3. Application of field theory to biology and information physics
Group's HP
  1. Simulation of solid-liquid interfaces and fuel cell application
  2. Quantum states of hydrogen and muon in a material
  3. Electron-phonon couplings from first principles
  4. First-principles simulation of superconductors
Members holding a concurrent position
HARADA, Yoshihisa
Group's HP
Main; Laser and Synchrotron Research Center
Group's HP
Main; Division of Nanoscale Science
Group's HP
Main; Laser and Synchrotron Research Center
MAYUMI, Koichi
Associate Professor
Group's HP
Main; Neutron Science Laboratory
MORI, Hatsumi
Group's HP
Main; Division of Condensed Matter Science
NOGUCHI, Hiroshi
Associate Professor
Group's HP
Main; Materials Design and Characterization Laboratory
Group's HP
Main; Neutron Science Laboratory
Group's HP
Main; Division of Nanoscale Science