Kato Group
- Affiliation
Division of Condensed Matter Theory
(concurrent with Center of Computational Materials Science) - Course
- Phys., Sci.
Research Subjects
- Transport phenomena in mesoscopic systems
- Fundamental theory of spintronic devices
- Nonequilibrium and transport properties in solids
Our laboratory is engaged in extensive theoretical research on transport properties in the fields of mesoscopic and spintronics. Research on mesoscopic systems has long focused on the quantum mechanical properties of electrons. We are still pursuing new phenomena such as non-equilibrium multi-embodiment phenomena, non-equilibrium noise, and strong external field-driven phenomena. In the field of spintronics, various spin transport phenomena are being studied, mainly in current and heat/spin conversion phenomena.
In order to respond to these developments, our laboratory utilizes a wide range of theoretical approaches, including non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, quantum field theory, and many-body quantum theory. Specific research examples include spin transport at magnetic-metal interfaces, heat transport phenomena considering many-body effects in superconducting circuits, the nonequilibrium transport properties of Kondo quantum dots, and the generation of spin current in solids by light. We are also working closely with experimental groups in ISSP.