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日程 : 2016年4月26日(火) 13:30 - 15:00 場所 : 物性研究所本館6階 第2セミナー室 (A612) 世話人 : 尾崎 泰助 (63285)
e-mail: t-ozaki@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp

講 師: 平岡 喬之
所 属: 東京大学工学系研究科物理工学専攻
題 目: 集団運動と集団的意思決定のモデル

[1] T. Vicsek, A. Czirók, E. Ben-Jacob, I. Cohen, and O. Shochet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 1226 (1995).
[2] J. Toner and Y. Tu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4326 (1995).
[3] S. Ramaswamy, Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 1, 323 (2010).
[4] M. Nagy, Z. Ákos, D. Biro, and T. Vicsek, Nature 464, 890 (2010).
[5] U. Lopez, J. Gautrais, I. D. Couzin, and G. Theraulaz, Interface Focus 2, 693 (2012).

14:10-14:20 休憩

講 師: 加藤 洋生
所 属: 東京大学理学系研究科物理学専攻
題 目: Polyexciton stability in multi-valley semiconductor and optical trap for valley exciton

Professional development Consortium for Computational Materials Scientists (PCoMS) is the organization established to develop human resources of computational material science. I participated the internship program of PCoMS and stayed in prof. Varga’s group in the Vanderbilt University for almost 1 month in this spring. In this stay. My activity was focused on settling the current research project and putting the next research issue into shape. Current project is the identification of polyexciton stability in multi-band semiconductor and verified up to triexciton bound states by numerical calculation. Next research issue is assessing the feasibility of optical trap for 2D exciton by utilizing optical Stark effect. I will report the details and contributions of the internship to my research.


(公開日: 2016年04月13日)