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研究戦略室セミナー:PRX What kind of papers we are looking for?

日程 : 2024年2月22日(木) 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm 場所 : 物性研究所本館6階 大講義室(A632) 講師 : Dr. Yiming Xu 所属 : Associate editor of Physical Review X 世話人 : 鈴木博之、近藤猛、中島多朗、川島直輝講演言語 : 英語


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Speaker: Dr. Yiming Xu
(Associate Editor of Physical Review X)
PRX is published by the American Physical Society, a nonprofit membership society of scientists. Its mission goal is to select around 250 landmark papers a year from all fields of physics and showcase them to a broad and multidisciplinary readership.
Is your paper a good match for PRX? Or asked differently, what papers qualify as landmark papers? How do the PRX editors actually select such papers? Are such selections always accurate?How can you, as an author, navigate PRX’s editorial and peer-review process effectively and get the most out of your interactions with the editors and referees? I will use the talk to discuss with you how to answer these questions. Many of these questions do not have a black-and-white answer in the case of a single paper. Open-minded, reasoned, and constructive dialogues amongst the authors, the editors, and the referees are key to making each concrete process a meaningful and productive experience, and sometimes even a pleasure, for everyone.

(公開日: 2024年02月15日)