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Extremely Large Magnetoresistance in Multipolar Kondo System PrTi2Al20

Nakatsuji Group

The multipolar Kondo systems Pr(Ti, V)2Al20 provide unprecedented opportunities to design new quantum phases and functionalities beyond the spin-only paradigm. They host a nonmagnetic crystal-electric-field ground state in which the magnetic dipole moment is absent while higher-order quadrupolar and octopolar moments are active; the substantial Kondo entanglement between these multipolar moments and the conduction electron sea serves as the root for strange metal behavior, quantum criticality, and exotic superconductivity observed in these systems. Here, we discover extremely large magnetoresistance (XMR) exceeding ~103% in the pure ferroquadrupolar ordered state of PrTi2Al20 and identify the key role of Fermi surface topology in generating this XMR. Large magnetoresistance lays the foundation for various technological applications; a well-known example is the magnetic field sensor based on giant magnetoresistance (GMR). Our findings demonstrate that a multipolar ordered state, without involving spin degrees of freedom, can realize large magnetoresistance. These findings provide essential insights that may facilitate revealing unified mechanisms behind large magnetotransport phenomena and thereby widen the material platforms for their applications.

  • [1] T. Isomae, A. Sakai, M. Fu, T. Taniguchi, M. Takigawa, and S. Nakatsuji, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013009 (2024).
  • T. Isomae, A. Sakaia, M. Fua, T. Taniguchib, M. Takigawa, and S. Nakatsuji
  • aThe University of Tokyo
  • bInstitute for Materials Research, Tohoku University