A portable 77 Tesla Generator “PINK” for Novel Quantum Beam Experiments
PI of Joint-use project: A. IkedaHost lab: Y. H. Matsuda Group and X-ray Laboratory
The high magnetic field beyond 100 T is a promising tool to induce and uncover hidden or magnetic properties of materials thanks to its large Zeeman energy, that amounts to 134 K at 100 T for an electron spin of 1/2. However, experimentally, its usage is greatly regulated. First, the generation of B well above 100 T is principally difficult, being restricted to the destructive pulse magnets, where high magnetic fields last only a few μ-seconds, and a large explosion and electromagnetic noises accompany. Second, the experimental probe of material properties is limited. To overcome this situations, young researchers have made great effort for making possible to conduct electric resistivity, magnetization, ultrasound and magnetostriction measurements. Ikeda et al., realized the magnetostriction measurement by using fiber Bragg grating technique and optical filter method, which is useful up to 1000 T range generated using electromagnetic flux compression method.
All these techniques are restricted to macroscopic measurements. In condensed matter physics, microscopic measurements and macroscopic ones complement with each other. Thus, microscopic measurements are in great demand. Recent single shot quantum beams like x-ray free electron laser (XFEL) [1] and femto-second Terahertz pulse techniques are in principle applicable for such purposes. However, the 100 T and 1000 T generators are built in a few large facilities. Besides, they are regularly occupied by daily experiments. For this reason, it is unable to move it to the x-ray facilities, or it is possible one to occupy the experimental site for developing new measurement only when the developing set-up is easily removable from the site.
This problem is solved if the ultrahigh magnetic field generator becomes portable. In the present study we have developed an ultrahigh magnetic field generator called PINK-01 (Portable INtense Kyokugenjiba with numbering 01). PINK-01 is shown to generate 77 T with a single turn coil with a 2.5 mm bore. We have carried PINK-01 to the XFEL facility SACLA in Japan. We have succeeded in obtaining XRD of powdered Bi0.5Ca0.5MnO3 under 77 T where the charge ordered insulator phase is melted by the magnetic field inducing the forced ferromagnetic metallic phase. We clearly observe the lattice state change by the phase transition. We are now building new set up PINK-02 for 100 T generation and low temperature experiment with XFEL. Microscopic change of lattice will be uncovered in many kinds of materials at 100 T soon [2].
- [1] A. Ikeda, Y. H. Matsuda, X. Zhou, T. Yajima, Y. Kubota, K. Tono, and M. Yabashi, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043175 (2020).
- [2] A. Ikeda, Y. H. Matsuda, X. Zhou, S. Peng, Y. Ishii, T. Yajima, Y. Kubota, I. Inoue, Y. Inubishi, K. Tono, and M. Yabashi, Appl. Phys. Lett., 120, 142403 (2022).