Frontier of Neutron Science in Research Reactor ~Future Perspective of US-Japan Cooperative Program on Neutron Scattering~
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It has been three years since the research reactor JRR-3 resumed operation, resulting in numerous research achievements and significant progress in the development and upgrading of equipment. For example, the cold neutron multiplex triple-axis-spectrometer HODACA, constructed under the U.S.-Japan cooperative program, completed its commissioning operation last year and is now available for user experiments starting this fiscal year. Additionally, there have been many advancements in experimental techniques, such as attempts to develop two-dimensional detectors for FONDER and GPTAS under collaboration with KAERI, KEK, and Univ Tokyo, development of a hot-pressed Ge monochromator at TAS-2 enabling high-energy neutron experiment, and the introduction of various SE instruments for JAEA equipment. Meanwhile, at ORNL, there are plans to construct the next-generation triple-axis spectrometer MANTA and relocate existing equipment during the Be reflector replacement scheduled for 2028. Moreover, in western Japan, a new experimental research reactor is being planned, led by JAEA, Kyoto University, and Fukui University. In light of these significant changes in the neutron research environment, sharing know-how on equipment development is beneficial for researchers in both Japan and the United States. Recent progress of science in wide fields owes to the improvement of neutron instruments. Therefore, this workshop aims to bring together researchers from the U.S.-Japan neutron community to discuss the present and future of neutron scattering instruments as well as science. The workshop consists of oral and poster sessions. Graduate students and postdocs are also very welcome.
For more information about the conference program and registration, please visit the website.