Home >  Conference > Network topology reveals robust adaptation phenomena in biochemical systems

Network topology reveals robust adaptation phenomena in biochemical systems

Date : Friday, June 28th, 2024 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Place : On Zoom and Seminar Room 5 (A615), ISSP (Hybrid) Lecturer : Dr. Yuji Hirono Affiliation : Osaka University Committee Chair : Takeo Kato (63255)Language in Speech : English

Maintaining stability is a critical issue for living systems. Robust perfect adaptation (RPA) is a control-theoretical mechanism that enables certain output variables to attain and sustain desired values despite external disturbances in a robust manner. RPA helps the survival of living systems in unpredictable environments, and as such there are numerous examples of biological implementations of this feature. However, identifying RPA properties and associated regulatory mechanisms is a highly nontrivial problem given the complexity of biological systems.

In this talk, we aim to elucidate the essential role of network topology in the phenomenon of RPA [1]. We have recently shown that the RPA properties in a deterministic chemical reaction system can be characterized by topological characteristics of subnetworks. This connection allows us to enumerate all the RPA properties implemented in a reaction network efficiently. Furthermore, we explicitly identify the integral controllers that work in concert to realize each RPA property.

[1] Yuji Hirono, Ankit Gupta, Mustafa Khammash,
“Complete characterization of robust perfect adaptation in biochemical reaction networks,”
[ https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.07444 ]

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(Published on: Tuesday June 18th, 2024)