Home >  Conference > Theory Seminar:Quantum Simulation of bosonic disordered Synthetic Quantum Matter

Theory Seminar:Quantum Simulation of bosonic disordered Synthetic Quantum Matter

Date : Friday, March 4th, 2016 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Place : Seminar Room 5 (A615), 6th Floor, ISSP Lecturer : Prof. Lode Pollet Affiliation : Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen Committee Chair : KAWASHIMA Naoki (63260)
e-mail: kawashima@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp

The interplay of disorder with interactions in bosonic quantum matter leads to puzzling phenomena such as a Bose glass phase, where experiments only recently could detect signatures of its behavior. Theoretically, we recently acquired full control over the zero temperature phase diagram in any dimension. The most surprising prediction is the existence of the scratched XY-universality class in one dimension in the strong disorder regime, which hitherto escaped experimental detection. The field of disordered systems recently received a new boost through the advent of many-body localization. Such systems have eigenstates that are nearly all localized, they violate the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis and have highly unusual transport phenomena. I will briefly comment on many-body localization with respect to ongoing experiments in designer experiments, and address the question of the feasibility of numerical approaches other than exact diagonalization.

(Published on: Friday February 19th, 2016)