Home >  Conference > Calorimetric measurements in extreme conditions of magnetic field

Calorimetric measurements in extreme conditions of magnetic field

Date : Monday, November 12th, 2018 2:00 pm 〜 Place : Seminar Room 2 (A612), 6th Floor, ISSP Lecturer : Prof. Christophe Marcenat Affiliation : CEA-Grenoble (France) Committee Chair : Yoshimitsu Kohama (+81-47-136-5337(ex.65337))
e-mail: ykohama@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp

I will present recent improvements of modulation calorimetry technique. Such improvements leads to both a very high relative sensitivity ( typically 1:10^4) and a very good absolute accuracy ~1 to 3%. I will illustrate the new possibilities of these instrumental innovations using recent results on superconducting cuprates, on graphite in the ultra quantique limit and on Lifschitz transitions in UCoGe.

(Published on: Tuesday October 23rd, 2018)