For Employees / Long-term Visitors

Before You Leave


A pre-departure checklist can be downloaded from [here for employees] / [here for visitors]


Before You Leave

Roughly one month before your departure date, please:

  • Notice to end the tenancy to the International Lodge (or your landlord, as the case may be). For residents of the university's International Lodge, submit a Notification of Departure one month prior to your planned departure. If you live in non-university housing, you also need to contact utilities companies (gas, water, and electricity) to terminate the service.
  • If you are an ISSP employee, submit the "Contact Information after Resignation" form and other necessary documents, if any, to the administrative office.


In addition, please take the following actions before you leave:

  • (If appliacble) Call the credit card company to cancel your credit card, ideally two or three months before your departure. Be sure to ask the credit card company how to pay off the outstanding balance. Do NOT close your bank account until all the outstanding balance on your credit card is paid.
    • Close your bank account in Japan, if desired. (Japanese banks usually do not charge account maintenance fees, though).
    • Visit the local municipal office to submit a moving-out notifiation and return your "My Number" tax and social security ID card. If you are enrolled in the National Health Insurance and Pension Plan, you also need to complete the procedures for withdrawing from the Plan, too.
      • (If appliacble) Call 03-6627-4137 to cancel your Tuo Credit Card, and then rerun your Tuo-Card to the Co-op academic shop on campus to receive a refund of your membership fee.
      • (If desired) Visit the local post office to submit the relocation form and thereby request the forwarding service .
    • (If appliacble) Return library books and other borrowed items, if any.
    • (If applicable) Return your Library Card, Guest Card/University Staff Card, Kyosai Card (heath insurance card), and your office key.