Activity Report2011
Preface @@@@@@Shin Shik
1. Status of Beamlines at the Photon Factory, KEK
1.1 Beamline 18A
1.2 Beamline 19A
1.3 Beamline 19B
2. Status of Beamline BL07LSU at the SPring-8
3.Workshops & Meetings
5.1 Synchrotron Radiation Experiments (PF)
1) Bulk Electronic Structure of BiFe1-xMxO3 (M=Mn and Co) Thin Films by Soft-X-Ray Spectroscopy
T. Higuchi, H. Naganuma, J. Miura, Y. Inoue and S. Okamura
2) Valence Band Structure of Co-Doped Fe3O4(100) Films
F.-Y. Ran, Y. Tsunemare, T. Hasegawa, Y. Takeichi, A. Harasawa, K. Yaji, S.-H. Kim, and A. Kakizaki
3) Electronic structure of iron silicides grown on Si(001)
S. Ohno, T. Momose, H. Toyoshima, S. Abe, K. Yaji, A. Harasawa, and A. Kakizaki
4) Thermal changes of structures and properties of p-backdonating metal complexes (in 2011)
T. Akitsu
5) Electronic structure and auto-ionization process of ion-electron mixed-conductor
S. Yamaguchi , T. Higuchi , S. Miyoshi, and D. Y. Kim
6) Electronic structure of Pt-induced nanowire on Pt/Ge(001) surface studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
I. Mochizuki, Y. Fukaya, A. Kawasuso, K. Yaji, A. Harasawa, and I. Matsuda
7) Electronic structure of Ni/Cu(001) studied by photoemission spectroscopy
S. Kim, K. Yaji, Y. Takeichi, A. Harasawa, and A. Kakizaki
8) Giant Rashba spin splitting on monolayer-Pb-covered Ge(111) surface
K. Yaji, A. Kakizaki, and T. Aruga
9) Core-level photoemission study of TlBiSe2 (111) surface
S. Hatta, Y. Ohtsubo, Y. Hayashi, K. Nakatsuji, A. Harasawa, and T. Aruga
10) Measurement of Electronic Structure of Al2O3(0001) Surface
A. Tosaka, T. Sugiyama, and Y Shigeta
5.2 Synchrotron Radiation Experiments (Spring-8)
1) Development of soft x-ray time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy system at SPring-8 BL07LSU
M. Ogawa, S. Yamamoto, Y. Kousa, R. Yukawa, A. Fukushima, A. Harasawa, H. Kondoh, Y. Tanaka, A. Kakizaki, and I. Matsuda
2) Generation of circularly-polarized soft x-ray by segmented cross undulator at SPring-8 BL07LSU
S. Yamamoto, M. Fujisawa, S. Yamamoto, T. Nakamura, I. Matsuda
3) Direct Observation of Interfacial Charge Transfer in Graphene Device Structures by 3D-nanoESCA
N. Nagamura, K. Horiba, S. Toyoda, S. Kurosumi, T. Shinohara, M. Oshima, H. Kumigashira, H. Fukidome, M. Suemitsu, K. Nagashio, and A. Toriumi
4)In Situ Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy of Carbon-based Oxygen Reduction Catalysts under Ambient Pressure
Y. Harada, M. Kobayashi, H. Niwa, H. Kiuchi, C. Sakai, Y. Senba, H. Ohashi, T. Tokushima, Y. Horikawa, S. Shin, and M. Oshima
5) Development of High-energy-resolution Display-type Photoelectron Spectrometer for Microanalysis II
H. Daimon, H. Matsuda, F. Matsui, L. Toth, M. Morita, S. Kitagawa, and T. Matsushita
6) X-ray absorption and emission studies of the electronic states of visible-light
semiconductor photocatalyst: Rh-doped SrTiO3
J. Yoshinobu, S. Kawasaki, K. Nakatsuji, S. Yamamoto, I. Matsuda, Y. Harada, F. Komori, R. Takahashi, and M. Lippmaa
7) An Investigation of Electronic Structure of Novel Electrode Materials for Li-ion Batteries by Soft X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy
D. Asakura, M. Okubo, Y. Mizuno, Y. Nanba, and H. Zhou
8) Surface metallization of SrTiO3(001) by adsorption of hydrogen: Toward carrier dynamics studies
M. D'Angelo, R. Yukawa, M. Silly, D. Pierucci, M. Ogawa, S. Yamamoto, and I. Matsuda
9) An Investigation of Electronic Structure of Novel Electrode Materials for
Li-ion Batteries by Soft X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy II
D. Asakura, E. Hosono, H. Matsuda, M. Okubo, H. Zhou, H. Niwa, Y. Harada, and M. Oshima
10) Nanoscale Analysis of Electronic States of Graphene by using 3D Nano-ESCA
H. Fukidome, N. Nagamura, K. Horiba, S. Toyoda, S. Kurosumi, T. Shinohara, M. Oshima, M. Suemitsu, K. Nagashio, A. Toriumi, F. Fromm, and Th. Seyller
11) Direct Observation of Nanoscale Chemical Phase Change in Resistive Switching Memory Devices
K. Fujiwara, K. Horiba, N. Nagamura, M. Oshima, H. Takagi
12) Measurement of charge excitations in superconducting PrFeAsO0.7 and K0.8Fe1.6Se2 using Fe-L RIXS
I. Jarrige, H. Niwa, C. Sakai, Y. Harada
13) Chemical bonding studies of silicon nanotubes by 3D nano-ESCA
H. Tada, M. Ara, S. Sonae, A. Sekiyama, and K. Horiba
14) Analysis of electronic states of implanted paramagnetic ions and adsorbed water molecules of nanodiamond MRI contrast agents
M. Morita, Y. Harada
List of Publications