Cryogenic Service Lab. Outline
Introduction of Liquefier Room
April 2000,other equipment had been relocated
from Roppongi campus to Kashiwa campus. Then
liquefy recovery system has build completely.
Now the liquefy room trying to cover the
entire Kashiwa campus' liquid helium . For
that purpose we change modify the equipment
Details about the equipment is down below
or take a look at the .brochure
About an identification of freezing mixture use class completion of a course
About a freezing mixture use class
If you have not taken this class, you are not able to use freezing mixture supplied from our lab.
Details about the class please look at Here.
We would update about the holding date and
time of a class in a home page. In addition,
please contact one entered in the year middle
because we teach it individually.(
If an identification of freezing mixture use class completion of a course became needless
If an identification card become needless
as graduate from school,change of job,retirement
and so forth, please return to the following
address. Simply, return in person at the
cryogenic lab. is acceptable.
Write on the envelop (Returning ID card for
freezing mixture use class completion of
course)with a red ink
Outside of the school
5-1-5Kashiwanoha Kashiwa-shi Chiba prefecture
University of Tokyo ISSP Cryogenic Lab.
In the school
To: ISSP Cryogenic Lab.
Cryogenic Service Lab. brochure
Click the page that you want to look at.
PDF file will open. updated on
Combined pdf file isyherez
¦The actual size is smaller than the file
written in the above.
We lend variety of items for the many different
List of lending items,Please ask us.