

物質設計評価施設では、物質の「設計(Design)」、物質の 「合成(Synthesis)」、合成された物質を総合的に調べる 「評価(Characterization)」の3つの研究を有機的に連 携させる(DSCサイクル)ことにより、新しい物性・機能を 持つ物質の開発を目指しています。物質設計部では、最先 端の物性研究専用スーパーコンピュータを駆使して、原 子間の相互作用によって生み出される様々な協力現象を 解明しつつ新物質の設計を行い、物質合成・評価部では物 質の合成、単結晶育成およびその組成分析や結晶構造評 価を行うとともに、新しく開拓された物質群の電気的・磁 気的・光学的性質の総合評価を行っています。また、施設 の機器は全国の研究者も利用できるよう維持・運営され ています。

Materials synthesis and virtual experiments using a supercomputer for solid state physics

The aim of the Materials Design and Characterization Laboratory (MDCL) is to promote materials science with the emphasis on the DSC cycle, where DSC represents the three processes involved in developing new materials; design, synthesis, and characterization. A modern supercomputer is used to reveal novel mechanisms behind various cooperative phenomena in condensed matter and for theoretical design of new materials as well as materials with novel nano scale structures. Various types of new materials are being synthesized and single crystals are being grown for physical measurements. The structural, electromagnetic, and optical properties of the materials are characterized in various ways. The results are immediately feedback to the synthesis and design of materials. Almost all the facilities of the MDCL are open to domestic scientists through the User Program conducted by the Steering Committee of the MDCL.

Drastic change of magnetic susceptibility and long-period structures within a very narrow pressure-temperature region found in a vanadium bronze.
フラストレートしたクロムスピネルにおける強磁場で安定化される3up-1down の磁気構造.
3-up, 1-down magnetic structure stabilized under high magnetic fields in frustrated chromium spinels.
"Magnetization steps" observed in the spin-1/2 kagome antiferromagnet Volborthite.
ボーズハバードモデルの超流動転移温度(赤)とギャップ(青).横軸は飛び移り 定数.挿入図は運動量分布.
Superfluid transition temperature (red) and energy gap (blue) vs. hopping constant. The momentum distribution function is also plotted in three typical cases.
A red blood cell in capillary flow.
ISSP supercomputer System-A(sumire).
ISSP supercomputer System-B(itadori).
Neutron scattering - a unique tool to study the structure and dynamics of matter
Investigation of extreme material functions using the world’s strongest magnets
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