Application for Nitrogen Gas Use
The nitrogen gas user from main building
at ISSP needs to register. There is a duty
to report data of gas meter once a month.
Important procedure have shown on the chart.
Placing the gas meter and new user needs
to register.After the registration has done,
use the gas at the set place.
Specific Way of Registration
- Registration form is available at the download pageon our web site. We also have the registration
forms at our office.
- Registration is available Monday through Friday 9:00-17:00(excluding holiday).
Please write in necessary information and bring it to our office.
- Please consult with us, before the Nitrogen Gas pipes related construction
in front of the flow meter. The construction without notice might affect
all the ISSP. When the pipes have branched out, please place the gas meter
that had been recommended by us.
- If you have any questions, please contact
us at Ekikashitu(extF63515)
Nitrogen Gas Use and Duty
When you use the Nitrogen Gas supplied at the ISSP Cryogenic Laboratory,
we have to ask you to do the minimum duty written in down below. Respectfully,
we'd ask for your understanding and cooperation.
- Please apply for registration of a Nitrogen Gas meter.
- Registration has to be done before use. Please read a gas meter monthly
and report to us. If you use the Nitrogen Gas without permission, you might
be penalized.
- The new freezing mixture user must take the class that had been recommended
by us. It is done in average year the end of April.( High pressured gas
safety education, Newcomer's course) We will inform you of the holding
date and time of a class, the details at the Web top.
- Please read well about the input data
How to Use Nitrogen Gas
- It is ready to use as soon as registration
had finished.
- It is able to use when you open a valve of the Nitrogen plumbing in each
room. Supply original pressure is 0.35MPa, but please understand it because
it changes by the use situation.
- There might be a possibility of suffocation,
please be careful to using it.
- If you have any questions, please ask us.
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