Procedure of Lending He Gas Cylinder
- The service is limited in ISSP only.
- We provide gas cylinder (7m3・15Mpa・purity 99.99%) for the laboratory who need it.
- We process all information by computer, first time user needs to register by laboratory.
- The registration form is used as both liquid
helium user registration form and helium
gas cylinder registration form.
- Please download the registration form; it
is available at download page on our web site.
- If you have already registered as liquid
helium user, it is not necessary to register
for gas cylinder check out.
How to Check out the Gas Cylinder
- Please come to cryogenic laboratory (liquid
helium supply room B-112) and fill out the
information on the paper works.
- When the time of check out the gas cylinder,
our staff will assist you. Please let us
know when you walk in to our office.
Hours of Operations
- Monday through Friday 9:00-17:00 (When the
staff is not present or holiday is closed.)
Lending Period
- Lending period is one year from the date
you checked out the gas cylinder.
- If the gas supplier has changed, please return the gas cylinder within
6 months from gas supplier changed date. Usually, change of gas supplier
is after April 1st. If you checked out gas cylinder before that time, please
return the gas cylinder by September 30Link to the kigai.pdf It would be the due date. Even, if there is any gas left in the gas cylinder,
please return the cylinder.
Other Notes
- We shall charge you all together.
- If you don’t have a carrying cart, we would
lend you one. After using it, please return
to us as soon as possible.
- We are missing one of our carrying carts.
If you have one, please return to us as soon
as possible.
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