P6 - P10
Andreas Läuchli
Pairing Phase in Bosonic Systems with Correlated Hopping
Chitoshi Yasuda
Bond-Dilution-Induced Quantum Phase Transitions in Heisenberg Antiferromagnets
Hiroaki Onishi
Low-energy properties of one-dimensional spin-orbital model
Hideaki Obuse
Surface and corner multifractality in two-dimensional symplectic class
Takashi Oka
Non-linear transport in a commensurate CDW and universal KPZ fluctuation

Low-energy properties of one-dimensional spin-orbital mode
Hiroaki Onishi
By using a density-matrix renormalization group method, we investigate the ground-state properties and the spin-gap formation of a one-dimensional spin-orbital model, in which the original SU(4) symmetry is broken due to the effect of the Hund's rule coupling.