P6 - P10
Andreas Läuchli
Pairing Phase in Bosonic Systems with Correlated Hopping
Chitoshi Yasuda
Bond-Dilution-Induced Quantum Phase Transitions in Heisenberg Antiferromagnets
Hiroaki Onishi
Low-energy properties of one-dimensional spin-orbital model
Hideaki Obuse
Surface and corner multifractality in two-dimensional symplectic class
Takashi Oka
Non-linear transport in a commensurate CDW and universal KPZ fluctuation

Pairing Phase in Bosonic Systems with Correlated Hopping
Andreas Läuchli
Motivated by the physics of mobile triplets in frustrated quantum magnets, the properties of a two dimensional model of bosons with correlated-hopping are investigated. We study the phase diagram of this system as a function of density and the strength of the correlated hopping term, based on Quantum Monte Carlo simulations in the SSE formulation. We confirm the existence of two different phases, first reported in a mean-field study: a conventional single particle bose condensed phase, and in addition a less studied phase where only pairs of bosons condense. We comment on the performance of the standard single worm SSE in the pairing phase, and on the possibility of using a "double worm" algorithm to improve the efficiency.

This work has been performed in collaboration with K.P. Schmidt and F. Mila (EPF Lausanne)