- When you would like to use the materials, you will need to make a pre-application.
- Please check that the material you would like to use is stored in the ISSP Library, through the UTokyo OPAC .
- If you are applying via e-mail or facsimile, please apply 2 days before (not including Saturdays/Sundays/national holidays) the day you would like to use the library, and in the case of return postcards, about a week before.
- Please make sure to write the following things in your e-mail/facsimile/return postcard. After the library has received your e-mail/facsimile/return post-card, we will contact you on whether you are able to use the material or not.
- The material you would like to use
- The day and time you would like to use the material
- Full name
- Your contact information (address, e-mail address, facsimile no.)
- Contact:
- E-mail: issp-lib[at] (Change [at] to @)
- Fax: 04-7136-3218
- Address: The Institute for Solid State Physics Library, the University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba Pref., 277-8581, Japan
- When you visit the library, please bring your identification (insurance card, driving license, etc.) and a printed copy of the reply e-mail or reply facsimile, or postcard from the ISSP Library.
Book loans
- Not available.
- But, you can borrow books by "inter-library loan" service. For details, please ask the library of your university/institute. (You must pay actual costs)
- There is no coin-operated copy machine.
- If you want to take photocopies, you must arrange for payment at the cashier's window. (Service hours: weekday 9:30 am - 12:00 am, 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm. You must to finish all procedure by 4:30 pm.)
- Fee: black-and-white 50 yen/page, full-color 90 yen/page
- Photocopying is limited by copyright law, and please fill out an "Application for Photocopy" form.
- You can also order photocopies of materials to ISSP Library, and receive them at the library of your university/institute. For details, please ask the library of your university/institute. (You must pay actual costs)
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