Application for Liquid Helium Supply
If your division is not ISSP, you must contact
your Institute and pre- approved.
If you have any questions and ask for more
details, please contact us.
Also, for the user is not ISSP division procedure
of registration would be different as listed
below. Please contact and ask for the details
to the member of the use of cryogen committee.
(Graduate School of Frontier Science Professor
Nohara or Professor Mizokawa)
The necessary procedure is showing as a picture below. Registration is needed when newly use Liquid Helium. After registration is done, “ file an application for supply” “take out and return the vessel” will go on.
Read the barcode on the vessel and measure the weight by load cell and automatically calculated by computer.※3 | |
※1 In case of not sharing the vessel for some reasons we might adjust the date of supply.
※2 It used be the waiting time during supply was about one to two hours. Now with the new system, sharing the vessel with several users, we are able to reserve liquid helium ahead of the time. The waiting time is only for typing information in the computer. Please, leave a 10% of volume. And keep the vessel cold. If the vessel is at room temperature we have to ask you to pre- cool it.
※3 The volume of supply is automatically measured so when the weight of vessel changes, then data will not read correctly. Please don’t remodel the vessel(for example, the head part of sewage lock to rubber stopper) and return the vessel as same as when you check out the laboratory.
Registration form is available on the down load page from our site. We also have a registration form at our office.
Registration is available Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)
9:00A.M.〜17:00P.M. Please fill out information and hand in our office in person.Setting up for the recycle gas meter and the check valve, please refer to set up manual.
If you have any questions, please contact us at our office. (ext: 63515)
Case of Purchased the New Liquid Helium Vessel
When you purchase the new vessel or transfer from other org., please register the helium vessel.
When the inside of helium vessel is at room temperature, it takes at least
1 week to be able to function. (It needs
to vacuum the air out and pre-cool.) We
early registration for your convenience.
There is no special registration forms for the LHe vessel ;please use LN2 vessel registration forms.
For the best result and efficient supply, please use large vessels.
If you have any questions, please contact us at Cryogenic laboratory.
Duties About Using Liquid Helium
Apply for “liquid helium user registration” “ liquid helium device registration
The test device needs to be connected to recovery pipe and collect all the helium gas. Especially, some device makes natural evaporation and that goes to the atmosphere but it needs to be improved. Then collect all the natural evaporation of the helium gas. If you cannot collect the helium gas we cannot supply the liquid helium. Improvement on device for details, please take a look at here.
We gather the frequent asked questions. Please read and refer the Q & A.
We used most of the liquid helium by accident and that made volume of liquid helium lower than 10% of vessel volume.
- Please return the vessel as soon as possible to our laboratory. At same time please inform us. If you return the vessel without notice you might be penalized. If the vessel is warmer than nitrogen temperature, we might ask you to pre-cool and vacuum the air out at your laboratories. Please don’t judge yourself and always discuss with us.
※ For the emergency supply, e-mail and bulletin board does not work.Don't use e-mail &BBS.
Passed the due date for helium supply application.
Please come to our office or call. If the situation like this becomes frequent we have to consider declining your order.
※ For the emergency supply, please come to our office or call.Don't use e-mail &BBS.
- We have applied but we forgot to go to get supply at appointed day.
As a rule, if you missed appointment reservation will be canceled automatically. If you need supply, please contact us we would manage the problem case by case.
※ For the emergency supply, please come to our office or call.Don't use e-mail &BBS.
I want to fill out an application form on the Internet, but the network does not connect.
We accept applications at our office. Please call us at (ext.63515)
Monday through Friday 9:00-17:00(excluding holiday)