Application for liquid nitrogen supply
If your division is not ISSP, you must contact
your Institute and pre- approved.
If you have any questions,please contact
us .
As a general rule, we are not suppling to
the Frontier Sciences. If you would like
to get supply from us, please contact "Use
of Cryogen Committee"(Professor Nohara
or Professor Mizokawa)
The necessary procedure is showing as a picture
below. Registration is needed when newly
use liquid nitrogen. After the registration
had done, you are able to get supplied at
the set place.
Specific way of registration
- For the liquid nitrogen vessel registration
form is available on our web site.Please
download fromdownload page, or we have the forms at our office.
- Registration is available at any time during
working hours. Monday through Friday(excluding
holiday)9:00〜17:00 please bring completed
registration form to our office.
- We fill the liquid nitrogen and measure the
empty weight and full weight. When you come
to register at our laboratory, please bring
vessel with you.
- For the administrate system, please apply
registration 2days before the beginning of using date.
- If you have any questions, please contact
us at Ekikashitu (ext::63515)
Using liquid nitrogen and duty
When you use liquid nitrogen supplied from
the ISSP cryogenic laboratory, we have to
ask you to do minimum duty written below.
this will make us work efficiently and able
to make good quality and reasonable precede
cryogen. We would like to ask your understanding
and cooperation.
- Apply for registration of liquid nitrogen
- Before the supply please follow the procedure.
If you check out without notice, you might
be penalized.
- The newly user of freezing mixture from the
ISSP need to take a class that recommended
by our laboratory. The class is held at the
end of April every year. The high-pressured
gas safety education (newcomer education
course) We will inform you more information
and update the details on our web site.
How to supply liquid nitrogen
- It is ready to use as soon as registration
for vessel had completed.
- You can draw Liquid nitrogen at each draw
place. The machine is automated supply system.
Please draw on your own when you need it
and also as much as you need it. It is not
necessary to apply.
- There is no limitation for time for drawing.
When the laboratory technician is not around
please be careful.
- There are two draw places. One is at first floor of main building other
is right next to cryogenic Lab.
- If you have problem operating automated supply
machine, please ask us.
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