中性子科学研究施設 / Neutron Science Laboratory



この方法により物質の性質や機能が、原子・分子の配列や運動状態とどのように関わっているかを解明することができるため、物性物理のみならず、化学・高分子科学・生物学・材料科学などの広い分野で研究に応用されています。当施設では、中性子の線源である研究用原子炉(日本原子力研究開発機構, JAEA)に大規模な実験装置を多数設置して中性子散乱の全国共同利用を進めるとともに、高温超伝導をはじめとする物性発見の機構解明の研究に取り

Neutron scattering - a unique tool to study the structure and dynamics of matter

Neutron is one of ingredients which form nuclei or atoms. It can penetrate deep inside of materials and interact with a nucleus or magnetic fields created by electrons which surround the nucleus. To utilize such neutron properties, crystal and magnetic structures in the materials are investigated by neutrons, and this method is called "Neutron Scattering". The Neutron Science Laboratory (NSL) provides a large scale General User Program for Neutron Scattering. Under this program, close to 300 proposals are submitted each year, and the number of visiting users under this program reaches over 6000 (personday/year). Major research areas include solid state physics (strongly correlated electron systems, high-Tc superconductors, heavy fermion systems, low dimensional magnetism, high-pressure physics etc.), fundamental physics and neutron beam optics, polymer, chemistry, biology, and materials sciences.

Research Reactor, JRR-3, at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
JRR-3 ガイドホールの中性子分光器群.
Neutron scattering spectrometers in the guide hall of JRR-3
中性子小角散乱によるナノコンポジットゲルの変形機構の研究.図は応力̶延伸比曲線と対応する2次元中性子散乱パターン. 水分率が90%にもおよぶゲルにもかかわらず,10倍以上の延伸が可能. その秘密は厚み1nm 直径30nmの板状粘土鉱物と高分子の架橋構造にある.
Small-angle neutron-scattering study on deformation mechanism for nanocomposite polymer gels. Stress vs stretching-ratio plot with two-dimensional scattering patterns.
Although the water content is more than 90%, the gel can be stretched to more than 10 times its original length owing to network structure of polymer chains and clay platelets of 1 nm thickness and 30 nm diameter.
パルス冷中性子分光器(AGNES)によるルベアン酸銅水和物のプロトン伝導の 研究。準弾性散乱スペクトル(左下)から拡散係数(右上)を計算し,プロトン伝導 モデル(左上)との比較を行う.
Study on proton conductivity of copper rubeanate hydrates using a pulse cold-neutron spectrometer (AGNES, JRR-3). The diffusion coefficients (upper right) were calculated from the quasielastic spectra (lower left) and compared with the model of proton conduction (upper left).
Doubly focusing analyzer and monochromator for neutron scattering.
Materials Design and Characterization Laboratory
International MegaGauss Science Laboratory
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