Akira Harada
Title and Affiliation:
Distinguished Professor, Osaka University
Lecture title:
Macroscopic Self Assembly and Self-Healing through Molecular Recognition
Short autobiography:
Prof. Akira Harada gained his PhD at Osaka University in 1977. He spent at IBM research as a visiting scientist, followed by a postdoctoral fellow at Colorado State University. He became an assistant professor in 1982, and full professor in 1998 at Osaka University. He became a distinguished professor in 2013 at Osaka University. He is the recipient of some awards, including the IBM Science Award, Osaka Science Award, Japan Polymer Science Award, Cyclodextrin Society Award, Izatt-Christensen International Award, Chemical Society Award, and the Medal with Purple Ribbon from the Japanese Government.
Research Interests:
-Supramolecular chemistry, Macroscopic self-assembly and self-healing systems
-Polymer Synthesis using supramolecular catalysts.
-Bio-Macromolecular Chemistry, Functionalized Antibodies
Date of Presentation: 2014/11/13