Costantino Creton
Title and Affiliation:
Research Professor, ESPCI Paristech
Lecture title:
Combining reversible elasticity and toughness in unfilled elastomers
Short autobiography:
Costantino Creton graduated in Materials Science from the EPFL (CH) in 1985. He then moved on to Mat. Sci. & Eng. at Cornell University (USA) where he obtained his Ph.D in 1991. After a post-doc at the IBM Almaden Research Center (USA), he joined the ESPCI ParisTech (France) first as a post-doctoral associate in 1993 and, since 1994 as an assistant Professor then full Professor since 2001. More information can be found in the research pages and in the website. He has received several prizes and awards including the Wake Medal from the UK Society of Adhesion and Adhesives in 2011 and the Adhesion Society’s prize for Excellence in Adhesion Science in 2013. He was also elected in 2013 fellow of the American Physical Society.
Research Interests:
-Adhesion of Soft Materials
-Fracture Mechanisms of Soft Materials
-Supramolecular Materials
Date of Presentation: 2014/11/12