Jack F. Douglas
Title and Affiliation:
NIST Fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Lecture title:
Living Polymerization Model of the Dynamics of Glass-forming Liquids
Short autobiography:
Jack Douglas obtained an undergraduate degree in Chemistry and a Masters Degree in Mathematics from Virginia Commonwealth University and then obtained his PhD at the University of Chicago with Karl Freed. He was NATO Fellow at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge with Sam Edwards and returned to US as a National Research Council postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He became a research scientist in the Polymers Division (NIST) after this posdoc and he recently was promoted to NIST Fellow, the most senior scientific position at NIST. Currently, he is a NIST Fellow in the newly formed Materials Science and Engineering Division.
Research Interests:
-Influence of Nanoparticle and Molecular Additives and Film Confinement on Structural Relaxation and Collective Motion in Glass-Forming Polymer Liquids
-Computation of Basic Nanoparticle Transport Properties by Path-Integration
-Elasticity and Dynamics of Flexible and Stiff Networks with Permanent and Thermoreversible Cross-links
-Molecular Self-Assembly and Entropy-Enthalpy Compensation
Date of Presentation: 2014/11/11