Alexei R. Khokhlov
Title and Affiliation:
Professor, Vice-Rector of Moscow State University
Lecture title:
Magneto-responsive elastomeric materials: main physical properties and applications
Short autobiography:
Professor Alexei R. Khokhlov graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University in 1977, and received his Ph.D. in Polymer Science from the Faculty of Physics in 1979. In 1983 A.R. Khokhlov received his D.Sc. degree. Professor of Moscow State University since 1988. In 1993, A.R. Khokhlov became the head of the Department of Polymers and Crystals Physics of Faculty of Physics. Since 1991 - Head of the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Polymers at A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Professor Khokhlov is a member of editorial boards of many international journals. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2007), and other awards, honorary professor at several foreign universities. Academician of RAS since 2000, member of the Presidium of RAS since 2008. Member of the European Academy of Sciences since 2000. Vice-Rector of Moscow State University (since 2008)
Research Interests:
-Polymer science
-Biomimetic polymers
-Computer simulation of polymer systems
Date of Presentation: 2014/11/11