令和2年度 第3回選書会購入リスト

令和2年度 第3回選書会購入リスト(和洋・請求番号順)
和 423.8:P1
藤井 孝蔵
和 417:S6
しっかり学ぶ数理最適化 : モデルからアルゴリズムまで
梅谷 俊治
和 501.34:A1
Ansys工学解析入門 : 有限要素法解析ソフト
吉本 成香
和 541:Y1
奥平 鎮正
和 423.8:M1
杉山 弘
和 421.3:R105
高柳 匡
和 419:J3
内田 治
和 507:G5
技術英語の基本を学ぶ例文300 : エンジニア・研究者・技術翻訳者のための
中山 裕木子
和 501.9:P2
PID制御 : 現代制御論の視点から
志水 清孝
和 415:I8
川崎 徹郎
和 410.2:F1
フィボナッチの兎 : 偉大な発見でたどる数学の歴史
Hart-Davis Adam
和 413.6:B13
一色 秀夫
和 547:S3
陶山 健仁
洋 407:S10
Science research writing : for native and non-native speakers of English
Glasman-Deal Hilary
洋 413.5:D1
Density functional theory : advances in applications
Ramasami Ponnadurai
洋 413.6:B2
Boundary value problems and Markov processes : functional analysis methods for Markov processes
平良 和昭
洋 413.6:F5
Fixed points of nonlinear operators
Zhou Haiyun
洋 415:I7
Introductory lectures on equivariant cohomology
Tu Loring W.
洋 418.7:L1
Linear algebra and matrix computations with MATLAB
Xue Dingy?
洋 418.7:S4
Statistical learning using neural networks : a guide for statisticians and data scientists
Pereira Basilio de Bragan?a
洋 419:G2
Games of strategy
Dixit Avinash K. 1944-
洋 419:H1
Handbook of regression analysis with applications in R
Chatterjee Samprit 1938-
洋 419:P7
Principles of uncertainty
Kadane Joseph B.
洋 419:S10
Statistical foundation of data science
Fan Jianqing
洋 420.1:F5
Fly by night physics : how physicists use the backs of envelopes
Zee Anthony
洋 420.2:D1
Drawing physics : 2,600 years of discovery from Thales to Higgs
Lemons Don S.
洋 420.4:E4
Einstein was right : the science and history of gravitational waves
Buchwald Jed Z.
洋 420.7:B1
Basic physics : a self-teaching guide
Kuhn Karl F.
洋 421.3:B35
Beyond weird : why everything you thought you knew about quantum physics is different
Ball Philip 1962-
洋 421.3:C34
Canonical problems in the theory of plasmonics : from 3D to 2D systems
Moradi Afshin
洋 421.3:L15e
Lectures on quantum field theory
Das Ashok 1953-
洋 421.3:L29
Lectures on quantum mechanics : a primer for mathematicians
Bowers Philip L. 1956-
洋 421.3:M38
Mathematical concepts of quantum mechanics
Gustafson Stephen J.
洋 421.3:M7e2
Modern quantum mechanics
桜井 純
洋 421.3:P53
Particles, fields, quanta : from quantum mechanics to the standard model of particle physics
Ecker Gerhard
洋 421.3:Q192
Quantum nano-plasmonics
Jacak Witold A.
洋 421.3:Q193
Quantum mechanics
Peebles P. J. E.
洋 421.3:Q194
Quantum space : loop quantum gravity and the search for the structure of space, time, and the universe
Baggott J. E.
洋 421.4:F15
Finite mathematics as the foundation of classical mathematics and quantum theory : with applications to gravity and particle theory
Lev Felix
洋 421.4:H9:1
Basic analytical skills and methods for physical scientists
Kornyshev A. A.
洋 421.9:T12
Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
Fitzpatrick Richard 1963-
洋 423.8:K1
Boltzmann Equation, Maxwell Models, and Hydrodynamics beyond Navier?Stokes
Bobylev Alexander V.
洋 423:M8
Modern classical mechanics
Helliwell T. M.
洋 425.5:S26
Secondary electron energy spectroscopy in the scanning electron microscope
Khursheed Anjam
洋 425.8:T18
Theoretical foundations of nanoscale quantum devices
Premaratne Malin
洋 426.5:T35
Thermodynamic weirdness : from Fahrenheit to Clausius
Lemons Don S.
洋 426.8:U1:2
Refractory carbides I (Ta, Hf, Nb and Zr carbides) ; a comprehensive guide and reference book
Shabalin Igor L.
洋 427.7:E17
Engineering electromagnetics
Ida Nathan
洋 428.1:C15
Chemical physics of molecular condensed matter
斎藤 一弥
洋 428.1:T26
Time crystals
Sacha Krzysztof
洋 428.4:L24e
Lectures on the non-equilibrium theory of condensed matter
B?nyai Ladislaus Alexander
洋 428.41:S79
Semiconductor physics : principles, theory and nanoscale
Tiwari Sandip 1955-
洋 428.44:P12
Progress in advanced dielectrics
Jin Li
洋 428.7:W1:1
Wetting theory
Ruckenstein Eli 1925-
洋 428.7:W1:2
Wetting experiments
Ruckenstein Eli 1925-
洋 429:I8
An introduction to the confinement problem
Greensite Jeff
洋 431.2:F8
Frontiers of quantum chemistry
W?jcik Marek J.
洋 431.2:Q16
Quantum computational chemistry : modelling and calculation for functional materials
Onishi Taku
洋 431.7:N2
Nanocarbon electrochemistry
Yang Nianjun 1977-
洋 433.4:S4
Spectroscopy : principles and instrumentation
Vitha Mark F.
洋 433:C2
CRC handbook of basic tables for chemical analysis : data-driven methods and interpretation
Bruno Thomas J.
洋 435.1:H6
Hydrogen and hydrogen-containing molecules on metal surfaces : towards the realization of sustainable hydrogen economy
笠井 秀明
洋 435:P8
Problems in structural inorganic chemistry
Li Wai-Kee
洋 437.2:C3
Covalent organic frameworks
Nagai Atsushi
洋 437:I7
Introductory organic chemistry and hydrocarbons : a physical chemistry approach
Lima Firme Caio
洋 461:N1
Nanoscale biophysics of the cell
Ashrafuzzaman Mohammad
洋 462:B6
Biochemistry for materials science : catalysts, complexes and proteins
牧嶋 昭夫
洋 501.34:I1
An introduction to the finite element method for differential equations
Asadzadeh Mohammad
洋 501.4:H1e:1-1
Methods : theory and modeling
Andreoni Wanda
洋 501.4:H1e:1-2
Methods : theory and modeling
Andreoni Wanda
洋 501.4:H1e:1-3
Methods : theory and modeling
Andreoni Wanda
洋 501.4:H1e:2-1
Applications : current and emerging materials
Andreoni Wanda
洋 501.4:H1e:2-2
Applications : current and emerging materials
Andreoni Wanda
洋 501.4:H1e:2-3
Applications : current and emerging materials
Andreoni Wanda
洋 501.4:I4
An introduction to metamaterials and nanophotonics
Simovski Constantin
洋 501.4:S7:1
Soft matter under geometrical confinement : from fundamentals at planar surfaces and interfaces to functionalities of nanoporous materials
Huber Thomas Patrick
洋 501.4:S7:2
Polymers on the nanoscale : nano-structured polymers and their applications
Karim Alamgir
洋 501.4:S7:3
Bio-inspired nanomaterials : nanomaterials built from biomolecules and using bio-derived principles
Lee Seung-Wuk
洋 501.4:S7:4
Nanomedicine : nanoscale materials in nano/bio medicine
Kim Jin-Woo
洋 533:H3
Hydrogen storage technologies
Sankir Mehmet
洋 543:B1:1
Batteries : present and future energy storage challenges
Passerini Stefano 1959-
洋 543:B1:2
Batteries : present and future energy storage challenges
Passerini Stefano 1959-
洋 543:C1:1
Counter electrodes for dye-sensitized and perovskite solar cells
Yun Sining
洋 543:C1:2
Counter electrodes for dye-sensitized and perovskite solar cells
Yun Sining
洋 571:M2
Principles and modern applications of mass transfer operations
Benitez Jaime 1948-
洋 572:E2
Electrocatalysts for low temperature fuel cells : fundamentals and recent trends
Maiyalagan Thandavarayan
洋 572:F4
Flexible energy conversion and storage devices
Zhi Chunyi