令和2年度 第1回選書会購入リスト(和洋・請求番号順)
和 413.5:R6
志賀 啓成
和 413.6:J13
常微分方程式 = Ordinary differential equation
和 417:M5
目からウロコの多変量解析 : データ分析の極意に迫る7つの処方箋
廣野 元久
和 419:T14
統計モデリング : データ分析モデル構築意思決定
石黒 真木夫
和 420.4:E3:5
江沢 洋
和 421.4:S17
数理流体力学への招待 : ミレニアム懸賞問題から乱流へ
米田 剛
和 428.21:K4
高密度プラズマの物理 : 金属水素から中性子星・ブラックホールへ
一丸 節夫
和 501.1:N1
23の先端事例がつなぐ計算科学のフロンティア : 計算で物事を理解する予測する
和 501.4:M13
Lord Eric A.
和 531:J4
実用メカニズム事典 : 機械設計の発想力を鍛える機構101選
岩本 太郎
和 549:D34
越智 光一
和 570:S1
生物化学工学 : バイオプロセスの基礎と応用
小林 猛
和 572:J1
菊地 隆司
和 572:R1
境 哲男
洋 413.5:I4
Introduction to complex analysis
Taylor Michael Eugene 1946-
洋 413.6:D8
Difference equations for scientists and engineering : interdisciplinary difference equations
Radin Michael A.
洋 413.6:I7
Inverse scattering problems and their application to nonlinear integrable equations
Pham Loi Vu
洋 413.6:L4
Lectures on differential equations
Korman Philip 1951-
洋 413.6:N6
Nonlinear Dirac equation : spectral stability of solitary waves
Boussa?d Nabile 1978-
洋 415:F1
Fundamentals of graph theory
Bickle Allan 1983-
洋 415:L1
Lectures on field theory and topology
Freed Daniel S
洋 418.1:O2
Operator-adapted wavelets, fast solvers, and numerical homogenization : from a game theoretic approach to numerical approximation and algorithm design
Owhadi Houman
洋 418:M1
Mathematics and computation : a theory revolutionizing technology and science
Wigderson Avi
洋 420.1:P11
The physics book
Still Ben
洋 421.2:S4
A student's guide to general relativity
Gray Norman
洋 421.3:C32e
Classical and quantum dynamics : from classical paths to path integrals
Dittrich Walter 1935-
洋 421.3:F47
From classical mechanics to quantum field theory : a tutorial
Asorey Manuel
洋 421.3:I37
Inequivalent representations of canonical commutation and anti-commutation relations : representation-theoretical viewpoint for quantum phenomena
新井 朝雄
洋 421.3:L28
Lectures on quantum statistics : with applications to dilute gases and plasmas
Ebeling Werner
洋 421.3:M36
Mathematical foundations of quantum field theory
Shvart?s? A. S.
洋 421.3:N16
Nuclear lattice effective field theory : an introduction
L?hde Timo A.
洋 421.3:Q184
Quantum many-body physics in open systems : measurement and strong correlations : doctoral thesis accepted by the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Ashida Yuto
洋 421.3:Q185
Quantum field theory : Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism and its applications
Mnev Pavel 1981-
洋 421.3:Q186
Quantum gravity and the functional renormalization group : the road towards asymptotic safety
Reuter Martin 1958-
洋 421.3:S47
A student's guide to the Schr?dinger equation
Fleisch Daniel A.
洋 421.4:H8:1
Big data methods in experimental materials discovery
Kalidindi Surya R.
洋 421.4:H8:2
Advanced analysis solutions for leading experimental techniques
Van Dam Kerstin Kleese
洋 421.4:M52
Mathematical physical chemistry : practical and intuitive methodology
堀田 収
洋 421.4:M53
Mathematical physics : applications and problems
Balakrishnan V.
洋 421.4:P20
Physical mathematics
Cahill Kevin 1941-
洋 421.6:C17
Chaos in nature
Letellier Christophe
洋 421.6:S12
Schr?dinger equations in nonlinear systems
Liu Wu-Ming
洋 421.9:D13
Dynamical systems and random processes : 16th Carolina Dynamics Symposium, April 13-15, 2018, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia
Hawkins Jane 1954-
洋 421.9:M38
Molecular dynamics simulations in statistical physics : theory and applications
Kamberaj Hiqmet
洋 421.9:S104
Statistical thermodynamics : basics and applications to chemical systems
Teraoka Iwao
洋 421.9:T11
Statistical physics of DNA : an introduction to melting, unzipping and flexibility of the double helix
Theodorakopoulos Nikos 1947-
洋 421:R2
The reality of time flow : local becoming in modern physics
Arthur Richard T. W.
洋 423.8:C5
Computational methods for fluid dynamics
Ferziger Joel H.
洋 423.8:F13:1
Fundamentals of momentum, heat, and mass transfer
Welty James R. 1933-
洋 423.8:F13:2
Supplementary problems for fundamentals of momentum, heat, and mass transfer
Welty James R. 1933-
洋 423.8:T9
Theoretical fluid dynamics
Feldmeier Achim
洋 425.2:P4
A practical guide to surface metrology
Quinten Michael
洋 425.8:I21
Introduction to quantum electronics and nonlinear optics
Shtykov Vitaliy V.
洋 425.8:P12e
Problems and solutions on optics
Lim Swee Cheng
洋 425.8:P33
Polariton physics : from dynamic Bose-Einstein condensates in strongly-coupled light-matter systems to polariton lasers
Rahimi-Iman Arash
洋 425:M4
Modern optics simplified
Guenther B. D.
洋 426.5:E8
Extended non-equilibrium thermodynamics : from principles to applications in nanosystems
Machrafi Hatim
洋 427.4:A2
Advanced thermoelectric materials
Park Chong Rae
洋 427.8:E4
Emerging trends in terahertz solid-state physics and devices : sources, detectors, advanced materials, and light-matter interactions
Biswas Arindam
洋 428.1:I15
Introduction to Marcus theory of electron transfer reactions
Di Giacomo Francesco
洋 428.1:P17
Physics of solid-state laser materials
Luo Zundu
洋 428.4:A27
Advanced topological insulators
Luo Huixia
洋 428.4:C61
A compendium of solid state theory
B?nyai Ladislaus Alexander
洋 428.41:S78
Semiconductor nanophotonics : materials, models, and devices
Kneissl Michael
洋 428.45:V6
Vapor crystal growth and characterization : ZnSe and related II-VI compound semiconductors
Su Ching-Hua
洋 428.5:S11:1
Synchrotron light sources and free-electron lasers : accelerator physics, instrumentation and science applications
Jaeschke Eberhard
洋 428.5:S11:2
Synchrotron light sources and free-electron lasers : accelerator physics, instrumentation and science applications
Jaeschke Eberhard
洋 428.5:S11:3
Synchrotron light sources and free-electron lasers : accelerator physics, instrumentation and science applications
Jaeschke Eberhard
洋 428.6:I4
Introduction to soft matter physics
Zhou Luwei
洋 428.7:S76
Surface tension and related thermodynamic quantities of aqueous electrolyte solutions
Matubayasi Norihiro
洋 428.7:S77
Surface science : foundations of catalysis and nanoscience
Kolasinski Kurt W.
洋 428.9:A11
Advances in theoretical and experimental research of high temperature cuprate superconductivity
Han Rushan 1936-
洋 428.9:E15
Electron-phonon interaction and lattice dynamics in high Tc superconductors
Zhang Han 1954-
洋 428.9:F10d
Functional nanostructures and metamaterials for superconducting spintronics : from superconducting qubits to self-organized nanostructures
Sidorenko Anatolie
洋 428:A11
Advanced quantum condensed matter physics : one-body, many-body, and topological perspectives
El-Batanouny M. 1947-
洋 431.2:M24
Molecular interactions : concepts and methods
Micha David
洋 431.2:Q15
Quantum chemistry of nanotubes : electronic cylindrical waves
D?i?a?chkov P. N.
洋 431.3:C8e
Concepts of modern catalysis and kinetics
Chorkendorff I.
洋 431:N1:1
New frontiers in nanochemistry : concepts, theories, and trends
Putz Mihai V.
洋 431:N1:2
New frontiers in nanochemistry : concepts, theories, and trends
Putz Mihai V.
洋 431:N1:3
New frontiers in nanochemistry : concepts, theories, and trends
Putz Mihai V.
洋 435.1:G6e
The physics of graphene
Kat?s?nel?son M. I.
洋 435.1:P13
Physics and chemistry of carbon-based materials : basics and applications
久保園 芳博
洋 437:O19
Organic chemistry : theory, reactivity and mechanisms in modern synthesis
Vogel Pierre
洋 461:C3
Compendium of biophysics
Rubin A. B.
洋 501.34:A1
Advanced structural safety studies : with extreme conditions and accidents
Paik Jeom Kee
洋 501.4:A3
Advanced nano deposition methods
Lin Yuan
洋 501.4:I3e
Introduction to graphene-based nanomaterials : from electronic structure to quantum transport
Fo? Torres Luis E. F.
洋 501.4:N18
Nanomaterials : biomedical, environmental, and engineering applications
Kanchi Suvardhan
洋 501.4:N19
Novel carbon materials and composites : synthesis, properties and applications
Jiang Xin
洋 501.4:N20
Nanocatalysis : applications and technologies
Calvino-Casilda Vanesa
洋 501.4:N21
Nanosponges : synthesis and applications
Trotta Francesco
洋 549.5:A9
Advanced computing in electron microscopy
Kirkland Earl J.
洋 549:F12
Ferroelectric-gate field effect transistor memories : device physics and applications
Park Byung-Eun
洋 549:I14
Introduction to microsystem technology : a guide for students
Gerlach Gerald
洋 571:C4
Chemical technology and informatics in chemistry with applications
Vakhrushev Alexander V.
洋 571:I2
Introduction to materials chemistry
Allcock H. R.
洋 572:I1
Inorganic battery materials
Wang Hailiang
洋 572:L4
Lithium sulfur batteries
Wild Mark