平成30年度 第3回選書会購入リスト(和洋・請求番号順)
洋 007:M9
Machine learning for data streams : with practical examples in MOA
Bifet Albert
洋 410:P1
φ, π, e, and i
Perkins David
洋 412.9:I2
Invitation to number theory
Ore Oystein 1899-1968
洋 413.6:O4
Ordinary differential equations : principles and applications
Nandakumaran A. K.
洋 417:M1
Mathematics of optimization : how to do things faster
Miller Steven J. 1974-
洋 420:C2
College physics
Serway Raymond A.
洋 421.3:E12
Equilibrium and nonequilibrium aspects of phase transitions in quantum physics
Puebla Ricardo
洋 421.3:F46
Fractional quantum mechanics
Laskin Nick
洋 421.3:I16e1
Introduction to quantum mechanics
Griffiths David J.
洋 421.3:P29e
Problems and solutions in quantum computing and quantum information
Steeb W.-H.
洋 421.3:Q179
Quantum states and scattering in semiconductor nanostructures
Ndebeka-Bandou Camille 1987-
洋 421.3:Q180
Quantum field theory : lectures of Sidney Coleman
Coleman Sidney
洋 421.3:S46
Supervised learning with quantum computers
Schuld Maria
洋 421.3:T27
Time-dependent quantum mechanics of two-level systems
Lavine James P.
洋 421.4:F14
Fundamentals of van der Waals and Casimir interactions
Sernelius Bo E.
洋 421.4:G27
A guide to mathematical methods for physicists : advanced topics and applications
Petrini Michela
洋 421.4:M50
Mathematical and computational methods in photonics and phononics
Ammari Habib
洋 421.5:F2
Fundamentals of many-body physics
Nolting Wolfgang 1944-
洋 421.5:I5
Interacting systems far from equilibrium : quantum kinetic theory
Morawetz Klaus
洋 421.5:M11
Many-body methods for atoms, molecules and clusters
Schirmer Jochen
洋 423:C5
Classical mechanics
Benacquista Matthew J.
洋 425:D1
Digital holographic methods : low coherent microscopy and optical trapping in nano-optics and biomedical metrology
Stuerwald Stephan
洋 425:O9
Optics, photonics and laser technology
Ribeiro Paulo A.
洋 425.4:F1
Fano resonances in optics and microwaves : physics and applications
Kamenetskii Eugene
洋 425.4:O6
Optical characterization of thin solid films
Stenzel Olaf
洋 425.5:M16
Molecular spectroscopy : experiment and theory : from molecules to functional materials
Kole?y?ski Andrzej
洋 425.5:S25
Spin-polarized two-electron spectroscopy of surfaces
Samarin Sergey
洋 425.8:L61
Lasers : basics, advances and applications
Eichler Hans Joachim
洋 427.7:C4
Classical theory of electromagnetism
Di Bartolo Baldassare
洋 428.2:P4
Physics on ultracold quantum gases
Yi Wei 1977-
洋 428.4:E67
Experimental studies of boson fields in solids
K?bler Ulrich
洋 428.4:S122
Strong fermion interactions in fractional quantum hall states : correlation functions
Mulay Shashikant
洋 428.4:T50
Topological matter : lectures from the Topological Matter School 2017
Bercioux Dario
洋 428.43:M52
Magnetic Field Effects in Low-Dimensional Quantum Magnets
Iaizzi Adam
洋 428.43:T9
Topology in magnetism
Zang Jiadong
洋 428.45:C33
Classical theory of crystal dislocations : from iron to gallium nitride
坂 公恭
洋 428.45:N6
Nucleation and crystal growth : metastability of solutions and melts
Sangwal Keshra
洋 428.6:H1
Handbook of polymer tribology
Sinha Sujeet Kumar
洋 428.7:S75
Silicene : prediction, synthesis, application
Vogt Patrick
洋 428.8:A8
Atomic- and nanoscale magnetism
Wiesendanger R.
洋 428.9:P25
Physics of heavy fermions : heavy fermions and strongly correlated electrons systems
大貫 惇睦
洋 428.9:S61
Superconducting fault current limiter : innovation for the electric grids
Tixador Pascal
洋 428.9:S62
Superconductivity centennial
Han Rushan
洋 429:A4e
Accelerator physics
Lee S. Y.
洋 429.4:I6
Introduction to isotopic materials science
Plekhanov Vladimir G.
洋 430:I1
Introductory chemistry : a foundation
Zumdahl Steven S.
洋 431.3:C28:1
Carbon-based metal-free catalysts : design and applications
Dai Liming 1961-
洋 431.3:C28:2
Carbon-based metal-free catalysts : design and applications
Dai Liming 1961-
洋 431.3:H6
Handbook of transition metal polymerization catalysts
Hoff Raymond E.
洋 431.3:T2e
Theories of molecular reaction dynamics : the microscopic foundation of chemical kinetics
Henriksen Niels Engholm
洋 431.7:S5
Single-molecule magnets : molecular architectures and building blocks for spintronics
Holynska Malgorzata
洋 431.7:U1
Understanding voltammetry
Compton R. G.
洋 431.8:N1
Nanoemulsions : formulation, applications, and characterization
Jafari Seid Mahdi
洋 434:H3:1
Hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces : towards advanced functional materials
Delville Marie Helene
洋 434:H3:2
Hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces : towards advanced functional materials
Delville Marie Helene
洋 437:A8
Applied theoretical organic chemistry
Tantillo Dean J.
洋 501.4:E6
Essentials of materials science and engineering
Askeland Donald R.
洋 501.4:F4
Flexible carbon-based electronics
Samor? Paolo
洋 501.4:H10:1
Handbook of sol-gel science and technology : processing, characterization and applications
Klein Lisa
洋 501.4:H10:2
Handbook of sol-gel science and technology : processing, characterization and applications
Klein Lisa
洋 501.4:H10:3
Handbook of sol-gel science and technology : processing, characterization and applications
Klein Lisa
洋 501.4:H10:4
Handbook of sol-gel science and technology : processing, characterization and applications
Klein Lisa
洋 501.4:M13
Materials nanoarchitectonics
有賀 克彦
洋 501.4:N16
Novel nanoscale hybrid materials
Chauhan Bhanu P. S
洋 501.4:R1
Reactions and mechanisms in thermal analysis of advanced materials
Tiwari Atul
洋 501.4:W1:1
Electromagnetic metamaterials
Shamonina Ekaterina 1970-
洋 501.4:W1:2
Elastic, acoustic, and seismic metamaterials
Craster Richard
洋 501.4:W1:3
Active nanoplasmonics and metamaterials
Hess Ortwin 1966-
洋 501.4:W1:4
Recent progress in the field of nanoplasmonics
Aizpurua Javier
洋 531:M1
Mechanics of materials
Goodno Barry J.
洋 543:M2e
Materials concepts for solar cells
Dittrich Thomas
洋 549:B12
Berry phases in electronic structure theory
Vanderbilt David
洋 578:H1:1
Handbook of porous silicon
Canham Leigh
洋 578:H1:2
Handbook of porous silicon
Canham Leigh